• Happy Caesar Crosses the Rubicon (49 BC)! "alea iacta est" 🎲

The Other end of the telescope.....

About the ticks: Think about it, the tick isn't a complicated animal. Nobody is suggesting sending one off to Jeopardy. His agenda is pretty simple; no shopping around, find a warm-blooded creature, climb up, burrow in and suck. Suck, suck suck.
If fact, if a tick had a car, his bumper sticker would read "If you're a tick, life sucks!"

So......the ticks find the dog, climb up, nestles into the hide to what is probably tick heaven, and then they drop off????

Alright, Junior Dick Tracy detectives, what is happening here?

Tess Trueheart, ever the softy, say's I ought to give a hint for those who were on an all night stakeout. Fr------e

Best Wishes, Rob

P.S. Our dogs can't talk to us, so when you give any kind of medicine you ought to know how it works (!) and what are the signs that something may be going wrong: adverse reactions.
I've been thinking about the contentious parts of this thread's conversation. Believe I might have an idea.

Let's say we have a park with walking trails. People and people with their dogs walk the trails. Sooner or later a dogs bites someone. Quite reasonably there is an uproar.
The park administrator, looking for the simplest solution that will cover his arse (the first rule of all bureaucrats everywhere) says " All dogs must be on leashes!" Now does he think that the owners of the out of control dogs will now put their dogs safely on a leash? Not for a minute, but when the next person gets bit he's covered: "If that dog had been on a leash and controlled by the owner no one would have been bitten." End of story. Does he make any effort to hold the offending owner and dog accountable? No, he's covered himself with his "leash rule" so he can go back to pushing paper and drinking coffee.

Meanwhile, the law abiding dog owners, who have well trained dogs, find their walks in the park trashed. What cold hearted lizard would suggest that it's right to confine a dog to a six foot leash in a woods full of wonderful smells?

So, here's what I suggest: Establish a set of training criteria that describe the behaviors that a "good dog" will exhibit while on a walk in the parks trail system. Once a year have a test where dog and handler are tested to see if they measure up to standard.

When I applied for a drivers license and the motorcycle endorsement, I had to show that I could do it safely. When I applied for a concealed pistol permit, they did a background check to see if I was a bad guy or not. And I paid for these services.

Anybody (I guess) can have a dog in their backyard, but if you want to take that dog out in public, then you ought to be willing to prove that you're not putting the public at risk by doing so.
But once my dog and I have trained and got our "Good Dog License" then no more of these blanket rules like the leash one.

And the general public, without the Good Dog License? Train you dog or stay at home.

This GDL (Good Dog License) would put the responsibility back on the individual owners shoulders where it belongs and not in the hands of some bureaucrat and his blanket rules which reduce our freedoms down to the lowest common denominator.

Best Wishes, Rob
Ha ha, that had me chuckling this morning, OM. In my day to day, non-canoeing life, I have the pleasure of interacting with a couple of hundred post-pubescent teenagers for several hours each day. I would like to extend your GDL concept and apply it to teenagers as well. Parents should have to pass the GKL (Good Kid License) test before they are allowed to procreate, proving that they have the common sense to raise decent consumption and excretion machines that can function off the leash in a polite and positive fashion. If not that, then they should issue guys like me the PTP license (Punish till Polite), where I can safely fill in the voids the defective parents neglected.

Happy New Year! GTR (G-Town Rob)
Here's what the first nation folks used, short legged dogs. In this dogs case, if he barked and scared away the game, he became dinner.
