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T-Shirts Revisited

Dec 9, 2014
Reaction score
Penacook, NH on a back road
Well, I finally got the T-Shirts delivered. Kind of a process which took about a month but personally I am happy with them. I used a small business owner which I prefer as I like to keep things local, guess I am old school. I am putting this out to all that I walked into with the idea of doing something for this website as I thought it would be good for all. I never touched money from the fundraiser, that is sacred and is only for the up keep of the site and any IT issues. I did this out of pocket as I thought it was important to havea try at this and hopefully generate enough cash down the road to order more and maybe, just maybe put some towards the upkeep of the site. Maybe a stupid idea but some days I'm not the brightest guy!

Anyway, here's pics of the T-shirt. (I must have taken 30 pics but decided on these) I know it would have looked better on my studly 140 pd torso but thought I'd spare you all that! The logo is the one that Robin came up with and I've always liked. It's a front and back image, canoe in the front, CT logo on the back and the T's are Hane's cotton, short sleeve. I know from the first thread a lot of you wanted long sleeve, hats and other things but as a first try I had to go simple. The color, which was a real chore deciding on, is a tan/sand color to accent the darkish font of the paddler and logo.

Using the local guy the minimum order was 38 shirts which I broke down into this:

10 X Large

21 Large

9 Medium

One he said had a smudge on it and so he added two for free, a small and a large. I kept the small, I'm a runt. The spare Large went to Robin for making this site what it is. I will check for the smudge as I look through them and if someone is OK with it will give a discount.

So I guess I need to let you know what the cost is. Taking into account shipping, out of pocket costs I am thinking $24 per shirt. This will get some cash back in my pocket, not a rich guy, and provide enough to order another round if the interest is there. I know other sites charge more and less but I'm thinking this is a fair price.

Canadian members: I have been looking into a way not to charge extra but shipping would add more to the cost by almost 10 dollars. How the hell can that be? I want to be up front on that for those of you over the border! dang international lines!

Now here's the problem, I have 40 shirts so I am thinking it will be a first come (email) first serve thing. I've racked my brain out on how to do this better but can't and as I said this is/was experiment, trail and error attempt. If you are interested please email me at this email address, I had to set this up to access certain parts of the website in the beginning and won't bog down my personal email:


PLEASE use the header T-SHIRT so I know as that email gets clogged with other stuff as well. Please do in Cap Letters! Once I have the 40 orders in I will contact all who have interest and let you know about paying. Details on that to come depending on outcome.

If this is successful I will order more down the road. Thanks all.



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Robin, Sent you a PM on my email, please check. Thanks! Trim looks fine to me especially with that 30 pack you can't see at the bow! ;-)
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It's looking good already! Many thanks for the responses! Might I ask that in your order you also put in your given name, not just your username and also an address. That would really help me on me on my end. Many thanks!

Put my name on a medium - I'm only average sized WITHOUT any old-age spread. (I'll PM to the other address, too.)
Doug - Looks like the big guys are out there so I need to jump now. I'll send you the required e-mail and shoot for an XL. I may have missed something but if the smudge is on an XL, I'm OK with that. It's going to have a stain on it after the first wearing anyway.

That's all for now. Take care and until next time....be well.

The XL are now all gone.

What I have left is 19 large and 8 med. Next order, if I can do it, I'll order more of the XL and I know of a few others who would prefer the XXL so will go that path. I'm a skinny runt so think on that side of the scale. Many thanks to all who have helped out with this. Now if it was Xmas a Large or Medium CT T-Shirt would be a great gift! ;-) OK, that's pushing the limits even for me. Thank you all!

To Snapper, Jim Dodd, Bcelect and Ken Ward (KayakKen). The XL went last night. Only had 10. If I can get rid of the rest and make a reorder I will put you at the top of the list.

Dear Mr. D,

Are the tee shirts made from sustainably grown, fair trade cotton?

Is the shrinkage guarantee transferable if I sell the shirt to a third party?

Can the image be reversed so that the paddler faces my dominate side?

I would prefer Comic Sans for the CanoeTripping.Net font, and a tinge more khaki in the fabric color.

Please send me a gluten free 2XL, and iron the wrinkles before shipping.
OK All, I finally got a few minutes to get info up for paying for T-Shirts. A return to work this week after surgery set me back a bit. So like the fundraiser I'm putting up some different ways of paying. I do a have a list with addresses going. So for paying here is the info:


My email is douglas.doremus@gmail.com.

or if you want to send a check here is my address:

Doug Doremus
71 Blackwater Rd
Penacook, NH, 03303

I am still going through emails to the other email address I requested folks to use so if you haven't heard from me yet I will be getting back to you. Working certainly puts a crimp on my time although I'll take work over another operation. Thanks for everyone's patience!

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24$ is what I was asking to cover everything. Nope, John sold a few years back. Some big arse company put a salvage auction place in and then folded so that whole place sits empty! I see John around town frequently! I live less then a mile from it.