• Happy International Women's Day! 👩🏻‍🦰👩🏽‍🦳👩‍🦱🙆‍♀️

2023 Fund Drive Now On

Thanks a bunch Glenn !!!
Just send funds through PayPal.
Actually sent to Canoetripping.net. I'm hoping that is correct ?
I use my real name, so you will know it's me.

Thanks again !
How do I connect with you?

How to use the site's Private Conversation function is explained in this message:

Or you can email me at ctrippingnet@gmail.com
Actually sent to Canoetripping.net. I'm hoping that is correct ?

Thanks much, Jim, but that's actually an old email of Robin's when he was admin. My PayPal email is ctrippingnet@gmail.com. Others have made the same mistake. Let Robin know what you did and he'll forward your donation from his PayPal to mine. But nothing counts until I receive it.

The U.S. Arctic Defense System, which can't detect Chinese spy balloons, has captured this photo allegedly from some remote corner of the Matanuska-Susitna Valley. If and when I receive it, I'll report what it is.

Donation AK.jpeg
Day 18 Cumulative Donations: 69
Target number of donations: 66
Members: 2,278
Views of this thread: 5,000++

Nov. 18
PaddlingPika (chk)
MyKneesHurt (chk)
Caledonia (chk)
Jim Dodd

While 66 donations was a minimum target, not a maximum, and further donations are of course welcome and will be reported in this thread . . .


Thanks again to all contributors. I'll summarize where things stand in a couple of weeks. Meanwhile . . .

I tried paypal, couldn't get it, so check is in the mail. Last of my "Women's Rowing" stamps. Need to see what post office has now in the paddle and/or camping fields.
Day 20 Cumulative Donations: 71
Target number of donations: 66
Members: 2,284
Views of this thread: 5,000+++

Nov. 20
Alasgun (chk)
Anonymous (cash)
oh heck. I forgot to include screen ne and real name on check - but since it's the same and is on check, shouldn't be too hard.
Day 21 Cumulative Donations: 73
Target number of donations: 66
Members: 2,284
Views of this thread: 6,000+

Nov. 21
Wjmc (chk)
Day 22 Cumulative Donations: 74
Target number of donations: 66
Members: 2,284
Views of this thread: 6,000++

Nov. 22
Billconner (chk)
Sorry this took so long Glenn... have been out of country for a few weeks, since late October, and am just now getting un-jet-lagged and caught up on forums and such. Seem to have missed it a few days ago.