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2021 Post-Migration Fundraiser is On: Please Contribute!


I apparently made a mistake in setting up the PayPal account for the site. I set it up as a business account instead of a second personal account. PayPal has frozen the account from receiving any more payments, because they think that I am something like an eBay seller who hasn't been shipping products to customers in return for their "payments for goods". I had a long conversation with PP today, explaining I am not a seller or in any business, and they hope to lift the limitations in 3-5 days, after which I have to change the business account status to a personal account status.

I have received all your PayPal donations as of today, but they will be in frozen limbo until this resolved.

You may CONTINUE TO SEND CHECKS for your donations in the meantime. Thanks.

I'll also post this notice in a separate thread.

You may now IGNORE THE ABOVE MESSAGE, as I have resolved the PayPal issues. You may continue to provide donations via PayPal by sending contributions to ctrippingnet@gmail.com but please send the payment via the "friends and family" option to minimize PayPal fees.
I have resolved the PayPal issues and YOU MAY NOW CONTINUE TO SEND DONATIONS VIA PAYPAL to ctrippingnet@gmail.com

HOWEVER, I have learned that the PayPal fees are less if you send your donations via the "Friends and Family" option rather than the "Goods and Services" option, so please do so to maximize your donations.

I have received donations from 30 members so far -- 28 via PayPal and 2 via checks. If we can get 20 more donations, the site should be in good financial shape for at least 18 months.

Thank you.
Our pp hasn't been updated in some time. The boss tells me she'd rather just let it be so I'm investigating options. Do you cash Canadian cheques? Otherwise I'm looking at a bank money order. I much prefer just stuffing some cash into an envelope but that drew some harsh looks from her.
Glenn, just tried to send via PayPal. copied and pasted ctrippingnet@gmail.com and attempted to send.
PayPal blocked attempt, stating ctrippingnet@gmail.com was not recognized.

Thought you should know there is some sort of issue.


I just got off the phone with PayPal and we successfully tested a donation transaction from my personal PayPal account to the ctrippingnet@gmail.com account. There is no block on making donations to that email address. The only thing they suggested is that you may have spelled the email address incorrectly or incompletely. Please try again and let me know what happens. If there is still a problem, PayPal suggests you take a screen shot of the message and email it to me, which I will send to them.

BTW, in doing this test, I noticed that payments are set up by default to be "goods and services" payments, and you have to press a "change type" button on one of the screens to change it to a "friends and family" payment.
Success. PayPal must have corrected the issue. No misspelling or incomplete, as the address was copied and pasted. Even used the same initial copy and paste without refreshing, and they took it the second time. Also used the same paste on my post notifying you.

Sent as a friends and family payment.
All is good now. Thanks for getting it resolved.

Our pp hasn't been updated in some time. The boss tells me she'd rather just let it be so I'm investigating options. Do you cash Canadian cheques? Otherwise I'm looking at a bank money order. I much prefer just stuffing some cash into an envelope but that drew some harsh looks from her.


From what I read: Cash would present me a currency conversion problem, which is not available in my small town. I can deposit a Canadian personal check but, of course, $CAD will be converted to $USD at some applicable exchange rate. I also read there may be international fees and a long check clearing time. I don't know if a bank money order would be more or less expensive in fees. But it's all better for the site treasury than nothing.
Sent as a friends and family payment.
All is good now. Thanks for getting it resolved.
I got it. Thanks. And no PayPal fee subtracted from your donation.

Only three other PayPal donees have escaped the PayPal fee, probably because they, like me until today, had no idea that the default payment type is set for "goods and services" and that you have to manually change it to "friends and family" to escape commercial transaction fees.
I got it. Thanks. And no PayPal fee subtracted from your donation.

Only three other PayPal donees have escaped the PayPal fee, probably because they, like me until today, had no idea that the default payment type is set for "goods and services" and that you have to manually change it to "friends and family" to escape commercial transaction fees.
No one actually "escapes" transaction fees.
When friends and family is chosen, the fees are added to the amount specified to be sent, thusly paid by the sender, as opposed to being absorbed by the seller on a "goods and services" payment.
Thanks Glenn! Just made a donation via PayPal “friends and family” and it appears to have gone through.

Hi Glenn, just sent a donation via paypal friends & family and it looked OK. Thanks for all your research and work! Instead of a big fat resinous skid plate we now have a whole new boat.
Okay, so I dropped in to the post office just down my street for an American funds money order and it seems "they don't do that" (anymore??).
I know they used to but I suppose times have changed. Tell me about it. To go this route I'd have to go to my bank, but unfortunately they closed our local branch, which was very conveniently located just down the street, so I'll just have to go to another. Except one is located in the middle of a shopping mall traffic cluster with a Timmies next door, turning the whole thing into an RCMP Musical Ride. (You may have to google that.) The other branch is downtown in the middle of a very, very sketchy 'hood. Nicely rejuvenated, gentrified, and re-imagined old inner city core, pretty surroundings for the addicts and homeless, but there's only so much social engineering that can be done. I have no answers. Times sure have changed. So I guess all this blab to say I'm now going old school and cutting an old fashioned cheque in foreign (to you) funds. Even your small town bank can figure that out. That's why they make the big bucks. That hasn't changed.
Good luck with the fund drive Glenn. Hope it goes well.