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T-Shirts Revisited

i received the highly sought XL the other day, its awesome.

Still want the t-shirt gods to consider some long sleeve's on the next run tho...
Received mine yesterday afternoon. Big Thumbs Up Doug! Thank you for doing these! I'll be wearin mine and lookin out for others!

Got mine in the mail over the weekend. The shirt rocks, Doug! My new favorite in my collection of canoeing T-Shirts.

Doug, if I order two larges I could sew them together into XXL, with auxiliary sleeves poking out the chest and back. That might be just the thing for alternating arm pit stank on long trips.

Eh, maybe not, one of the alternate pit stank sleeves would be directly under my nose. I will wait for an XXL.
Did the final count. XL= 0 Large= 12, Medium= 4.

I thought the large would go but have lagged. Mediums are going much better than I thought. dang, I'm either too skinny or you's guys are thicker than I thought! ;-) Hope to keep this working forward, we'll see.
I'm one of those in-between size fellers. I can wear a large T or a medium. I like the medium for tucked in wear and the large for casual slacker attire. Once I try on the medium that is en route I'll probably take one of those large Ts off your hands.