• Happy International Women's Day! 👩🏻‍🦰👩🏽‍🦳👩‍🦱🙆‍♀️

Stoked about an upcoming trip?

Have a 4 day trip this coming weekend to the BWCA to chase Rainbow and Lake Trout. Also just purchased 2 different thinkness' of 40"X80" foam pads that I am going to trim down to oval shapes and use in my hammock. Want to compare one to the other to see if I notice any difference but I suppose that will only work if the temp is basically the same each night. We shall see.
A 4 months of paddling? That will be ambitious.

Thursday we are head out for Killarney PP for a short paddle. It will be more of buying trip, we're picking up a pair of Souris River Quetico 17'rs and stopping at a couple paddle shops. We will get to spend two days doing the Bell, Balsam, David loop and stop at the Canadian Canoe Museum on the way home.

It would be about 12 weeks total. Vacation, stat holidays, birthday and a weeks bank time would cover 5 weeks of it, so I need only cover about 25 days lost pay. Now if I could swing it every year should I stay at my present job, that might make it worthwhile.

3-4 weeks in Geraldton, maybe a couple weeks up in WCPP, I want to do the Bird River up through Snowshoe Lake into Ontario... so much time, so many places.
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Just finished packing the truck for a Thursday departure to the BWCA. My Fall trips are not too strenuous with a 16 mile day with two 1/4 mile ports being the longest on this trip. My 18 year old daughter is going with me for the first time on a real canoe trip. As a family we would camp in a fold out trailer and take day trips. We will be hammock camping. She will do fine as she is an out door type and in good shape. I'll share some pics when I get back. Dave
We will put in at entrance #24 (Fall Lake) on Friday and head out to Basswood for a few days.
Have fun, put in at Fall lake and went to Basswood about 40 years ago. Liked the trip in but we hit few days of high winds and ended up coming out a different way and hitch hiking back to Fall lake. Wonder if anyone would stop to pick me up these days.
Due to the time of year or location? I was thinking about going in next month.
Unless you camp at Saranac Lake Islands or Indian Lake Islands of Lake George , paddle in sites are free. Need a permit only if camping for more than two weeks.

The color is starting..by Columbus Day/CDN Thanksgiving it will be done. The base elevation for much paddling in the Adirondacks is pretty high.. 2000 feet on the dome. ( Southern is much less ). I haven't been to the southern ADKS in years so cant comment.

The Pine Barrens has some hardwood so there is hope for color post Columbus day.. I have to make some mods to the WildFire so I can keep my DSLR handy and ejection proof, during the instructional sessions on whatever river we use in the freestyle tripping symposium
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Unless you camp at Saranac Lake Islands or Indian Lake Islands of Lake George , paddle in sites are free. Need a permit only if camping for more than two weeks.

From the State Land Hiking and Camping rules @ http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/7872.html
  • Groups of ten or more persons OR stays of more than three days in one place require a permit from the New York State Forest Ranger responsible for the area.
I call for a permit when I do my fall trip, but have yet to receive the permit in the mail. I record the #, time and who I spoke to and consider that my permit. Dawn, at Lows Lake said it's not uncommon and ok
From the State Land Hiking and Camping rules @ http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/7872.html
  • Groups of ten or more persons OR stays of more than three days in one place require a permit from the New York State Forest Ranger responsible for the area.
I call for a permit when I do my fall trip, but have yet to receive the permit in the mail. I record the #, time and who I spoke to and consider that my permit. Dawn, at Lows Lake said it's not uncommon and ok

oops.. But I haven't gone to the ADKS with more than a group of one. Nor camped for more than three days in one spot..
Doing the Nepisiguit in New Brunswick next May. If I can find someone- anyone, who wants to pole up the Tobique with me I'll do the whole route from the St. John River to Bathurst Bay.
Heading out in the morning for an over-nighter on this Thanksgiving Long weekend. Nice weather forecast for early in Autumn with daytime highs in the 70's. Hopefully the pickerel will be in a biting mood, but regardless it should be last trip of the year for us.
Headed off Monday for a week of New Jersey paddling in the Pine Barrens. No my canoe will not dissolve from a toxic dump. The Barrens are nice as long as I respect the Jersey Devil.
Yes its going to be an awesome trip, I LOVE fall tripping. I need to pony up for good boots though. A pair of Danners or SWAT. And an orange coat, preferably kevlar. Long blonde hair in the bush in the fall is kind of dangerous.

We are packed and ready to jet. No move before zero dark stupid hours. See ya when we get back.

Yes its going to be an awesome trip, I LOVE fall tripping. I need to pony up for good boots though. A pair of Danners or SWAT. And an orange coat, preferably kevlar. Long blonde hair in the bush in the fall is kind of dangerous.

We are packed and ready to jet. No move before zero dark stupid hours. See ya when we get back.

Have a good time .! See..canoetripping is possible in our "old woman age"