• Happy Birthday, Michelangelo (1475-1564)! 🎨🖌️⛪👇

Stoked about an upcoming trip?

Leave for Wabakimi in 2 weeks and 4 days (not that I am counting) Flying into Kenoji lake and spending the next 18 days making my way over to Whitewater and then down through Smoothrock and meeting up with the train at KM Marker 29.3 Tempest Lake. Just me, myself and I in the group.
The gear is more or less sorted. Took off for the weekend for a bit of a gear shakedown and with no gear room, there are assorted piles of gear around the living room and the dining room table was commandeered a few weeks ago for maps and assorted lists.
I should take a moment to mention what an understanding Wife I am lucky enough to share life with for putting up with this. Bev just kindly points out that it all gets put away properly when I get back and that she has the house to herself for 3 weeks.
Now food is another matter and every year I say that I am going to start early. At least I have some soups, ground beef, chill and cereal dehydrated in the freezer.
Going shopping this weekend and then it looks like .... Work, cook/eat, put food in dehydrator, sleep, take food out of dehydrator, repeat until done.
At least the trains, planes and automobiles are booked.
I wish...

I have a lot of day trips on the agenda, more than usual, so that is a good thing. My wife and I will be base car camping and paddling some Adirondack trips in August, and there is a good possibility I can talk her into one or two nights of backcountry canoe camping before or after our campground time. A planned 100-mile trip down the Allegheny fell through, so that sorta sent my fall plans into flux. But I hope to salve my wounds somewhat by joining dougd for a long weekend of canoeing and debauchery somewhere in the Northwoods.

Perhaps not this year, but likely next year, I need to tackle the Mud Pond Carry to connect a couple dots on the Northern Forest Canoe Trail, and to do that I've decided to do the Allagash Lake Loop trip...very much looking forward to that!

Stoked? How about hungry?
Just got home from work. Loaded up the dehydrator with the chilli con carne and sauce bolognese we made last night. I now realize my mistake. I should've a) not put it all in the dehydrator, and saved some for supper tonight, and b) run the dehydrator out in the work shed. That rich tomatoey meaty smell wafting through the house is making me crazy hungry. It better hurry up and dry or I may start snacking right out of the trays.
My wife and I are meeting up with a friend and possibly his guest in Algonquin in mid July, getting quite excited about it. I think it will be my only substantial canoe trip this year....but you never know :)
tick tock....two more sleeps and on the road. I have a stop to make to talk with my MP first but then we are cruisin. I am not sure about being able to do this one but I am stoked about trying. I just want to be out there.

Brad...I had jerky drying all day while I was at work and that is what hit me when I opened the door. I had a little and then took the bite sized chunks over to the hardware store for the guys. I have a nice bag to take with me. I will have to make more for the next one. I have one deer leg left, maybe thaw that out and hack it into strips.

Our schedule looks like this for the summer.....gone for 8 days on Friday, back for a month, then gone to Marshall, 10 days, home for two weeks, then out again for a week. Then likely one or two easy weekenders for me before the snow comes. Pretty ambitious and it may all require some modification but I am game.

Lack of leave has screwed with our plans for a northern trip. We came from having 5 weeks plus of holiday when we lived/worked in the UK to nothing in the first year of work hear. It's slavery I tell you!

We're heading out for a five day trip starting July first through the ELA area. Instead of our usual loop trip we are planning on starting in Vermillion Bay and heading back to a car on Stewart Lake. Hoping to take in some new lakes on the way.

We'll look at another week unpaid later in the year or maybe I'll take some time by myself for a solo trip up into Atikaki.

An experienced person starting a new job can often negotiate a better vacation deal. I have succeeded twice on getting 3 weeks in place of in one case 5 days, in another case zero days the first year. Next time you start a new job don't be afraid to ask for what you need! Pushing 50, I feel I am old enough to pass on a job offer if vacation is non-negotiable knowing full well another job opportunity will work out if I work hard enough to find it...

The first time I went through this the company wouldn't budge and I made the mistake of taking the job anyhow. I won't make that mistake again. They laid me off after only 1.5 years of work despite excellent performance reviews due to offshoring of my department. Companies have no qualms about doing what is best for the company. We should have no qualms about insisting on what is best for us. For me, a lesson learned.
Have fun I'll be watching the weather in your area.

I've been following the weather in G'Town while Mem is out and although he had some rainy days to start the end looks good for him and the crew.

We are looking to have typical Manitoba Summer weather, stinking hot which promotes afternoon and evening T'Storms. Today and tomorrow is 60-70% afternoon rain and T'storms and the next 6 days are all in the 80's. A little warm for paddling for us, if it gets too hot, we just hide from 2-5pm.

If you intend to follow the weather, go here... http://weather.gc.ca/city/pages/mb-33_metric_e.html
Two days ‘til departure.

It has been a long strange trip life with my departed friend and mentor, and it still is. I collected some dirt and duff and leaves from places special to him to spread with his ashes. That was one of the strangest days I’ve had in a while, including a most memorable encounter with a County cop who wondered what the hell I was doing.

I have elected to do this trip in what my friend Topher liked to call “High Speed, Low Drag” mode. No boat or paddling gear; I have left plenty of that to use where I’m headed. (I am bringing roof racks).

No tools. Well, some tools, but this trip I’ll actually be able to see out the back windows. No camping or tripping excess. What I keep in the truck should be enough for a week.

This is the first trip I have done sans canoe and gear in…..dang….maybe 20 years.

I wonder what kind of mileage I’ll get without boats on the roof? It's been years since I traveled without a boat.
I always have a trip in the works. I start planning the next one while still on the river. In the West, we are dealing with drought so the good river flows have already come and gone. The Oregon trip was first conceived in 1974. It took 40 years but we got that one done. It took a day and a half to get there.

Now I am thinking about a trip in the fall closer to home, maybe the mighty Klamath R and some king salmon fishing.
Summer camp is over in 11 days (I the caretaker of a children's summer camp/conference center)! Exactly 1 and 1/2 days off in the last 3 1/2 months!

I'm taking my 7 year old son to the Adirondacks for his first "real" canoe trip in two weeks! A long weekend in the Fulton Chain with a day at the Adirondack Museum.

Then I get 10 days all by myself in late September early October. I can't wait for that, no plans other than to put the canoe on the truck and head up to the Adirondacks. Is my favorite trip of the year, no plan, no itinerary. Just a start date and a slightly fuzzy return date!

I can't wait!
I wish...

Perhaps not this year, but likely next year, I need to tackle the Mud Pond Carry to connect a couple dots on the Northern Forest Canoe Trail, and to do that I've decided to do the Allagash Lake Loop trip...very much looking forward to that!


How quickly things change! It looks like this will be the year I take care of Mud Pond Carry as part of the Allagash Lake Loop trip; starting and ending at Graveyard Point on Chesuncook Lake. And yes, I'm pretty stoked about it.

Looking further out... I put in a request for taking all of next Summer off, mid June through to mid September... all Winter to make plans and save money...
Second week of October, Moose hunting/canoe trip. We will be base camping, and going on daily canoe excursions in search of the swamp donkeys. If it's anything like previous trips, humans beings of the genus Southern Ontario Kitchner-Waterloo-ous will be the only animal in abundance, clogging up every tiny gravel pit south of highway 11, driving all paths and dirt roads in their ATV's at all hours of the day and night, and generally creating ruckus. We have found approximately six kilometers of water that can only be accessed by canoe or helicopter, so hopefully the moose will congregate there for safety.
A 4 months of paddling? That will be ambitious.

Thursday we are head out for Killarney PP for a short paddle. It will be more of buying trip, we're picking up a pair of Souris River Quetico 17'rs and stopping at a couple paddle shops. We will get to spend two days doing the Bell, Balsam, David loop and stop at the Canadian Canoe Museum on the way home.
Retirement IS canoe tripping ( and doctor visits!).
Two trips in the next month! One in the Adirondacks solo for five days and one in the Pine Barrens for ten days solo canoe but with a passel of other soloists all similarly retired. Log limbo time..