• Happy Birthday, Michelangelo (1475-1564)! 🎨🖌️⛪👇

Spring has Sprung!

The Tundra 200/300 are workhorses. They pretty much replaced the Elan for trapping. Not much as a testosterone supplement, but pretty ok otherwise. We call em skidoos or sleds.
I'd say it's now official in my part of the world. Opening Day for MLB and the State's most prolific shrubbery has encroached on pavement throughout the land. (yes, we have the groundhog but orange barrels appear to be more accurate IMO)IMG_20190327_130441511.jpg
Spring is arriving here in central Wyoming, too, but we're expecting 8-10" of nice wet snow tonight thru tomorrow ;) My cedars hate that stuff!

Took the little OT Pack upriver a few miles the other day as the ice was leaving the North Platte quickly during a stretch of unusually warm weather. Lakes are still iced up though.



Paddling with Muskrat.jpgFirst paddle.jpgFirst paddle2.jpg
First paddle of the season in Northern Alberta!
Still too much ice on most lakes and the North Saskatchewan River, but the Sturgeon River through St Albert was mostly ice free- keep an eye out for ice floes on the upstream paddle.
Not much waterfowl yet- a few mallards and Canada Geese- but many beaver and muskrat, including one that passed riding one of those ice floes!
Nice to be on water again even if it was just a short paddle.

Out on one of our rivers on Saturday, paddling through a meandering stretch that is also nesting area for a lot of birds. Yep, they're all here. Geese, ducks, herons, egrets, kingfishers, ospreys....and thousands of snow geese doing stopover on the way north. The snow is melting and flows are rising. I'd say spring is definitely here.
got to 8 c yesterday
​​​​​​-1 today
snow Wed
ice fishing for three more weeks in northern Maine though open water fishing started today
Kind of limited to flowing water
No paddling on lakes for a few weeks
Was planning to take a canoe along on a short trip for a relative's wedding up north a ways. News is there is still six feet of snow on the river bank, and the lake is still froze over. I'll do the river, if I can get to it. They're telling me that's a big "if".