• Happy International Women's Day! 👩🏻‍🦰👩🏽‍🦳👩‍🦱🙆‍♀️

Spring has Sprung!

The crows returned a few days ago, as did a Cooper’s Hawk (could have been a Northern Goshawk).

There is a “saying” around here: “Eight more snows after the first crows.” No information about how much snow is required to constitute a “snow.” The number also varies. Some people say three snows after the first crows. Either way, according to the crows, more snow is still on the way.
Yup, a Canuck. Down here single digits is cold! (F) We're still in the minuses C (15F this morning).

Ok, clarification required. +1-5 C the next week. Minuses overnight though.

We have a regular snowfall the Friday prior to the May long weekend. It usually waits until the plum tree is fully flowered. In 2009 we got 11" on that Friday.

We have to wait until June to officially have Spring.
Two more sure signs of spring.
#1 . The sap buckets are out. In many of the antique and flea markets around here you can find items of rural yesteryear. Feed bags, pitch forks, milk cans and yes, even sap buckets complete with spigots. On my drive home the past couple weeks or so I've seen the south sides of grand old maple trees sporting jaunty little white plastic pails tied around their waists like prim and proper dairy maids sporting new aprons. Old margarine, ice cream, whatever tubs are being repurposed and put into good use. The sap must be running so it must be spring.
#2 . Brad is repairing the screen doors. Although using aluminum rather than plastic screening they still take a beating. Exuberant paws, both doggy and kiddie, have stressed out the screens. One at least needed replacing today, might as well do it in good weather. I hate the job but it must be done. It won't be long before the little party animals arrive for another season of in and out in and out "Don't slam the ...too late." Brad has new screens so it must be spring.
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tuque=took hat
togue. In 11 days you have to move off lake and use a beach chair in a snowbank legally

Hopefully there is not a togue in your tugue.

the old ways are the best.. Mr Squirrel has found out that if he gnaws this newfangled blue tubing that some sugarstands use all he has to do is sit in one spot and enjoy the results of over 500 trees.. He is not as apt to bother a single tap and bucket.


the tubing is a modern nightmare. Especially if you are a cross country skier.

we are doing a road trip to Liberty Tool Friday Wonder what we will find. Every barn around here is a wealth of old relics and I know there are thousands of canoe bodies in these big barns but it takes these dealers of old stuff to dig it out..


We have an old general store that is shuttered near here. I want to see if the old brass cash register and wood stove is still there. Up tilll 2005 we bought some groceries there and rang it up on the till. No one cared if the power was off or on.

Can't wait for Maple Sunday.. Blueberry pancakes and maple baked beans along with red hot dogs . Yes they are bright red. Also sugar on snow ( yes we still do that. ) We got the snow.. We will also snowshoe Sunday
We are lucky to have this operation as a neighbor ( even though Sun parking will be horrific! The Sheriff is understanding)

Boatman have you been to Liberty Tool..any of their locations?
Yes Kim, several times. It is an amazing place. There is also Swan Lake tools just north of Belfast. I haven’t been there but he had some of his wares at a maritime weekend in Greenport NY. He is only open on Saturday at the moment. I expect that to change as tourist season opens up. I’ll be heading to the Portland boat show this weekend.
I live near Chicago and Ice is off the local streams. Day before yesterday I paddled 8 miles up and 8 miles back down a local river. Looked at the forecast for the next couple of weeks and only one night is to go below freezing. It is time to plant some shrubs.
Yes Kim, several times. It is an amazing place. There is also Swan Lake tools just north of Belfast. I haven’t been there but he had some of his wares at a maritime weekend in Greenport NY. He is only open on Saturday at the moment. I expect that to change as tourist season opens up. I’ll be heading to the Portland boat show this weekend.

Have fun at that.. We don't have anything other than paddle craft.. A skiff would be nice but most of the exhibitors are local anyway and I can see their stuff for free.

Its an indication ice out is coming.. should be able to paddle the Saco in a couple of weeks and maybe the lakes will start to open by April 15. I have a dog that needs to be out in a canoe and start training..
It’s an actual Skidoo, Al. A Tundra 300. A low-end model. We don’t need or want to go fast. We pull a drag behind the skidoo to pack our trails. The drag, homemade from corrugated culvert pipe, was left behind on the property that we bought. The skidoo is not too heavy for me and Kathleen to lift and move it on those now rare occasions when we get bogged.
I don't know much about snowmobiles other than that in Alaska they're called snow machines, the lower 48 calls them snowmobiles and Canadians call them skidoos. It's like how petroleum jelly became referred to as "Vasaline." I prefer a more descriptive term like what I believe is used in Germany, "wienerschlidin". ;)
snow machine and snowmobile interchangeably

Now electric ones are coming out. Dead battery in the woods at below zero. hmmm
I would worry about that, too, YC. My sled has an electric starter, which sometimes doesn’t work at -35 C (-31 F) or colder. I am able to coax it to life with the pull cord, though. Do the new electric snow machines have pull cords?
The seedlings teach patience.. It seems safe after May 15 then a freeze comes to remind you that Mr. Freeze taught you the same lesson last year.. Not till the last weekend in May! And you forgot!

Drives the nurseries nuts.. Pansies are freeze tolerant but my gal was exhausted moving the new blooms inside the barn and gift shop then outside for sales. This had to go on for a week last year. And forget the other "frost hardy"plants.. They just up and died.. Last year in May there was snow and below freezing temps for a full week at night.. way below freezing..

Forget the hanging baskets you see for Easter.. I put off the hubby " flowers due" list till Memorial Day.. then I get one for Easter , one for Mothers Day and one for the first Day of reliable Spring Planting ( Memorial Day to us)
Here in town where I live the sidewalk crowd have crept out of their front doors now that it's spring and begun stretching their legs walking, up and down, up and down the sidewalk. I have 100' of it running along side of my property, and with only a low 3' chain link neighbour friendly fence separating me and thee it's easy to stop the yard work I'm pretending to do and chat with the walkers. In winter I'm generally shovelling the walk clear, but there are few pedestrians at that time of year. But once the weather breaks the crowds come out in numbers. And of course not all the dogs have trained people to walk with. There's Pepe. Don't ask me why we call him Pepe, it just seems appropriate for a chubby chihuahua. His older matronly owner calls for him from up the street when she's noticed he's wandered off ...again. Her Polish accent is as thick as Kielbasa and tender as Paczki, but I have no idea what she's calling him. He looks back at her, wags his little chihuahua tail and continues along on his 100 foot road trip. Leaning on the fence I wave to her and call out "It's okay, I'll keep an eye on him!" She folds her hands in front of her pretty print dress, teases a grey lock of hair back behind an ear and smiles, and then turns back towards the porch. I'm not sure what language Pepe responds to so I just keep things brief and casual, "How's it goin'? Havin' a good day?" He wags his tail furiously, pit pats over on his little doggie paws, looks up, and permits me a little scritch scratch on his head before continuing on down to finish his 100 foot lap. He never barks, never growls, never whines and never howls. He's just a quiet friendly little guy. A good przyjaciel-amigo, and the perfect neighbour. Pepe out this evening going for his walk. It must be spring.
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Quads/ATVs are called “bikes” here. It’s tough to transition into a new community and lexicon.

Ugh. I hate that trend. Bike is a two wheeler this the no part of the word. Some do that here too.

Booter in Manitoba is when your foot gets wet from sinking it in a puddle or the like.

Spring melt is when the snow gives way to 6 months of dog crap exposing itself on my lawn. I love my dogs but abhor this part of dog ownership.

I think theres enough water water opening up in the rivers to get out for a spin. Maybe this week I’ll share some pictures.