• Happy Birthday, Albert Einstein (1879-1955)! 🇪🟰Ⓜ️🇨2️⃣

Spring has sprung...

Just tomato sauce? Boring.. or is there some plan for it in the future as in marinara or interesting things added then dehydrated?
For my snow project I am making homemage tomato soup with cheese and basil and roast garlic. A lot of it. Then I will see if I can dehydrate a quart or so without spillover accident.

Intetesting.... so when you are boiling down the soup, when do you stop? What consistency ?

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Woke up to a blanket of white outside this morning and a high of 35 forecasted. Tomorrow is supposed to be sunny and 50. You can catch me on the river for sure. Last Sunday I paddled 5 hours and saw one mink and one die hard fly fisherman, besides some ducks and geese.
Wednesday night we had a very narrow band of heavy rain go through our town. It was dumping at a rate of 1 1/2" an hour for about 90 minutes. The house around the corner that abuts the drainage ditch Had 10 feet of lateral dry land prior to the rain and now the water is lapping up against their garage. Fields are filling up as well since the drainage swales are still mostly frozen, backing the water up into lakes.

All plus daytime temps forecast for the next week and our personal snowpack is going down fast. Have not seen a Robin yet though, just hordes of geese and cranes winging their way north.
The grass will riz, I wonder where the birdies is.

Where they is is absolutely mobbing our seed and suet feeders. In ravenous numbers that seem unlike previous years at this time; I wonder if the odd weather has started them south earlier than usual, or if their anticipated food source timing isn’t out yet. I am going through bird seed and suet at an alarming rate.

The fun part is that there is birdsong everywhere. I was watching the mobbed feeders today and every single songbird instantly vanished and went silent. A single flicker remained working at the suet feeder, and he abruptly went around to the backside and remained stock still motionless. Not to anthropomorphize it, but he looked worried.

WHAM. One of the red shouldered hawks who nest in the backwoods took something to ground across the fence line.

The unfun part is that my continuing war with the grey squirrels continues. They were getting mighty freaking bold on my feeders, and when I open the front door to tell them off they had begun to respond by giving me the squirrely finger and an eff-you look.

Pissed me off. I bought a CO2 BB pistol yesterday. 19 shot semi-auto. Nice and quiet, unlike the .22 pistol with shorts or dustshot.

BapBapBapBap. It’s pissing them off too. Let the games begin.
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

Mind you, it is only April and we have a 50/50 chance of having snow on the May long weekend. Might be helpful though since the snow pack is gone and the ice is still in, which usually leads to low water levels all Summer.
We had more last night. It left before we could chase it away.. But canoeing in 3 degree water at 1 degree air temp and no sun for several days is a bummer. Drizzlng again. Ice left a couple of days ago but two hours north where I do the tripping thing its solid in as well as some snow.
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Yesterday was a balmy 60F so I got as much yard work done as I could. 40+ wheel barrows of dirt moved, tree pruning, Christy was out sweeping the yard with the tractor of the Winters debris, but today...


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greetings from W central FL!

All I can add to this thread is considering the dreary weather you guys have for a big part of your year, you sure are a cheerful lot! :)


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It's gorgeous May to November. While you bake.
I found out why Floridians camp in RVs
82 is not a proper nighttime low
I insist on 45-55
Thought I would suffocate at Wekiwa

Another reason the Great Northern Diver
Yes a snowbird m. In Florida silent and grey. Up here black white and yodeling; they have returned
Was that pic at Goose Pasture on the Wacissa? One of my fav campgrounds
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greetings from W central FL!

All I can add to this thread is considering the dreary weather you guys have for a big part of your year, you sure are a cheerful lot! :)

It won't be long until baseball sized hail stones and tornado warnings as Summer comes to roost. The weather keeps life interesting out this way and makes for great photography.
Ha, I knew that would get a rise...

YC, yes goose pasture, very popular take out for day paddlers as you know. A few of the more intrepid will continue through the slave canal and come out on 98. Wekiwa is hot as hell, too far interior for summer. We play out on the gulf that time of year where a sea breeze can cool down an otherwise unbearable situation.

Just funnin' with you guys of course, its beautiful country up there. Doing some kind of DIY canoe, camp and muskie fishing with fly rod would be one of my bucket lists in those parts. Or a caribou hunt or a moose hunt or...
My Mother has a trailer near Tampa. Winter here is for younger people, but we survive. It is longer out here on the Prairies for sure and when we finally get the warmer weather we want it to stay, but of course we have 2-4 inches of snow forecast for Monday. Enough already, we just want warm weather and open water. 3 seasons, Spring, Summer and Winter. It will be 100F soon enough out here.
During the last several days, spring peepers were just starting up while walking through the woods. Patchy snow still present here and there... one really refreshing thing on a warm day like today is to wash your hands and face with the last of the snow, it won't be back for 7-8 months.
Winter here is for younger people, but we survive.

I have a very close friend who is way out on the wrong end of 50 that lives outside of Fairbanks, AK. He's been there since the mid 70's. Every winter I get several phone calls from him pining about moving south, but he can't leave the grandeur of the far north however painful it may be at times. I have the same problem, I love to play in the grandeur of the far north, but unwilling to move so far from my big game fly fishing in saltwater. Thankfully jet aircraft can ease the suffering as free time and money allows. :)
We left budding tulips, greening grass and wearing shorts in the east for parched brown grass, snow in the mountains and fleece jackets here in the west. Dressing in layers is always the way to go, wherever that may be; to the playground, head of a trail, or out to run errands...I might be doing all three today.
Have fun out there, wherever you're enjoying spring.
We will paddle . It's warm at the house. Cold on the lake 100 feet away. It always amazes me the temp difference between dark evergreen woods and open hardwood forest with no leaves
It's minus five. On the mountain
I can see it's almost 14 here in C for Celsius friends
Thankfully we never see 100 F here. It can be 80 inland and 20 miles away 45 . Depends if the wind comes off the ocean.
One hot summer day it was 86. Just too hot. Some of us went on a whale watch. Not cause we wanted to see whales but cause we sought 45 . We took fleece!
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Had a nice paddle today on my home lake.. Found ice and for fun rammed it at high speed. Not fun.. It was very hard to back off of.. Loons are back. Mergansers already have family.Chipmunks red squirrels and grey squirrels are eating my flowers .. Forced in pots or croci. I guess they are hungry too


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