K.O.E. Woes Update
The K.O.E Foxyotter kindly sent me went to a post office/mail distribution center 21 miles west of my home, where tracking showed it sat for an entire week. Yesterday tracking showed that it suddenly moved to a mail distribution center 43 miles south of my home. This morning it moved to my local post office, and is now out for distribution.
I will have plenty of K.O.E. The bottle I Amazoned came one day shipping and is enough to make 64 gallons. “Eliminates even old, deeply impregnated odors from cages, floors, tables, wall and other areas”. Sounds like just the ticket, ‘cause that barrel odor is the very definition of deeply embedded. And I have some other odor areas where I’ll give it a shot.
Since I have ample K.O.E and more coming I over-proofed the ¼ oz to 1 gallon mixture recommended. The barrel is now water filled with a double-strength mix of K.O.E, alongside the K.O.E filled upside down lid. The stank source gasket is soaking in a bucket with an inch of that high-strength solution, and I may change out the K.O.E solution in the gasket bucket tomorrow.
I have it all on a wheeled platform on the back deck, so I can roll it around in full the sun. Forecast hot and sunny for a spell my plan is to let it all soak for a few days, then empty the lid and gasket soaking bucket, let them dry and have a sniff test. If they pass the sniff test I’ll empty the barrel and see how it smells in the hot sun, both open air and lid sealed.
I wonder if Southcove broke down and ate his brownies yet?
Update to the update: I now have high hopes. Filled with that overproofed K.O.E solution the water in the barrel smelled just like the odor eliminator concentrate, kinda laundry detergent-ish. After a couple hours I moved the platform a few feet and the water that sloshed out had a bit of fertilizer stink to it.
I’m thinking, hoping, that the K.O.E is displacing the stank embedded in the plastic and, fingers-crossed, maybe the stink-source gasket.
I’d really like to save that gasket if I can.