I think that that advice re the Tolstoy is quite poor. Canoetripping especially solo involves judgment. Good judgment does not come from one liners or the foul +1. Those give us no insight into the thought process behind the choices.
I enjoy reading posts that make me think and help me think more rationally rather than jumping on a popularity bandwagon. There are a few posters that take the time to elaborate their findings and show us their reasoning behind their decision, which is to me quite educational.
In this day and age people's attention span is sure going to rot, but I don't think caving into it does us any mental favors.
I enjoy reading posts that make me think and help me think more rationally rather than jumping on a popularity bandwagon. There are a few posters that take the time to elaborate their findings and show us their reasoning behind their decision, which is to me quite educational.
In this day and age people's attention span is sure going to rot, but I don't think caving into it does us any mental favors.