The poll question is about the type of vehicle you currently use to cartop or trailer your canoe most of the time.
I pick currently because I've used just about all my vehicles over the past 40+ years to tote canoes at one time or another. But the primary vehicle for most of that time and currently has been a full sized van conversion. I sleep in it while traveling and car camping, and store most of my key canoeing and camping gear in it year round. From spring to fall I used to keep 1-3 paddle crafts permanently on the roof while I used another vehicle as a daily, non-canoeing driver.
This picture was from 2007, but I still have the same 1997 Dodge van conversion.

I pick currently because I've used just about all my vehicles over the past 40+ years to tote canoes at one time or another. But the primary vehicle for most of that time and currently has been a full sized van conversion. I sleep in it while traveling and car camping, and store most of my key canoeing and camping gear in it year round. From spring to fall I used to keep 1-3 paddle crafts permanently on the roof while I used another vehicle as a daily, non-canoeing driver.
This picture was from 2007, but I still have the same 1997 Dodge van conversion.

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