I'm going to post a series of polls asking how many miles a day you do while tripping. Each poll will be for a specific style of paddling: Canadian style tandem, hit and switch, etc.
Wow. I have always paddled with fit people. We used to try for about 15 miles on flat water. The wind can change everything. A week long trip in the Bounday Waters was about 85 miles with one lay over day. Wind and portages made for a challenging trip.
Mostly I run rivers and then 20 miles a day is pretty normal. A long day might be 30 miles. Sometimes we have paddled over 35 miles in a day.
I'm going to post a series of polls
You made me break out the conversion chart km to miles. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
You're right, of course: Canada treasonously switched from the distance measurement of their U.K. queen in 1977. Perhaps I should administratively change the distances to units common to Canada, the USA and Europe. I'm thinking of light years.