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Poll: How many guns do you own?

Poll: How many guns do you own?

  • 1

    Votes: 4 12.5%
  • 2

    Votes: 1 3.1%
  • 3

    Votes: 2 6.3%
  • 4

    Votes: 1 3.1%
  • 5

    Votes: 2 6.3%
  • 6

    Votes: 3 9.4%
  • 7

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 8-12

    Votes: 10 31.3%
  • More than 12

    Votes: 9 28.1%

  • Total voters

Glenn MacGrady

Staff member
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Hunting, self-defense, target shooting, collecting, tacticoolness -- we own guns for many reasons. Tell us how many you currently have. If you like, tell us how you use them, particularly in relation to canoeing or camping trips.

I've never been a hunter. I own and have only ever owned one gun, a 12 gauge Ithaca Model 37 shotgun with two barrels, a 20" Deerslayer barrel and a 28" vented rib bird barrel. I bought it six years ago as a sort of impulse purchase, directly because of extended discussions on these forums about guns, bears and self defense. My purchase justification theory was that I would take it on some trips, do some target shooting on my own property, and have it for home defense. In practice, I have never shot it or even bought shells for it. Chalk it up as another piece of unused or little used equipment bought during the cooped-up fantasies of wintertime.
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Ha ha Glenn, if you lived in Canada I would take that shotgun off your hands! I'm continually horse trading guns, mostly because they are the fastest way to get money short of selling crack. Whenever i need a major recreational purchase, like a snowtrekker tent, or a new motor for the square stern, I sell off a few guns. Over the next several months I will by other guns and the cycle goes on.

I am an active hunter though. Every fall from September to December I'm out three to five times a week hunting rabbits and partridge. Usually there is a canoe moose trip thrown in there as well.

In the summer, I only bring a gun if the people I'm travelling with have bear-a-noia. Usually I take my pump action 12 gauge with the 18 inch barrel. However, I have taken SKS's, Mosin nagants, Remington 30-06, my BLR .308. If there is going to be a lot of down time, I'll bring a .22 for plinking too.

I like guns, me.

Edited cause I just remembered I usually take a gun with me when snow shoeing too, especially if I have a doggy along, because Mr. Wolf likes to eat his domestic kin. Had my dog set up two or three times by wolves, they didn't get him, but I started bringing the medicine to give them a lead headache after that. I wouldn't shoot a wolf for any reason other than him eating my dog, but once he crosses that boundary, it's time for a killin', lol.
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I own a few, all hunting guns, I don'T shoot for fun anymore, I use them only for hunting, useless for self defence. I do at least one canoe hunting trip a year, and usually starting in august I have my 30-06 with me in case I see a moose, bison or Caribou(if in the proper zone of course!!)

Leaving on the 15th for a 10-15 day fly in paddle out moose hunting trip on a class II-III+ river, one canoe and one raft!
I have a youth extremely lightweight single shot 410 that I take to the BWCA to hunt grouse. In MN at 60 you can bow hunting with a crossbow, just bought one so I doubt my shot gun for deer hunting will ever get used again.
I'm in the 12+ category, same as my canoes and kayaks and for the same reason, there all different and all a pleasure to use. I hunt, I used to shoot competitively. I have very few of what would be called modern guns, almost all are over 50 years old and a few over 100 years old, 4 muzzleloaders, the 2 shotguns I bird hunt with the most were made in 1926 and 1931.

I have some lever actions 2-.22's, .410, and 32-20. Three over/under combination guns (.22/410, .22/20 gauge, and 30-06/12 gauge). Two full stock, bolt action rifles, 9.3X62 and 30-06. One lightweight side by side 20 gauge gentleman's bird gun. One .62 caliber smooth bore flintlock Trade Gun and one .58 caliber cap lock Trade Rifle, that I made. Last is a S&W J-frame .22 handgun with a six inch barrel. All get to go for walks, canoe trips, back country skiing or snowshoe hikes with me, few get fired anymore. All have sentimental value to me, most were my fathers or grandfathers. My son's are not interested in firearms, so when I go, someone is going to get some nice firearms. Put me down as owning 13, but I could get by with just one of the combination guns.
I have some lever actions 2-.22's, .410, and 32-20. Three over/under combination guns (.22/410, .22/20 gauge, and 30-06/12 gauge). Two full stock, bolt action rifles, 9.3X62 and 30-06. One lightweight side by side 20 gauge gentleman's bird gun. One .62 caliber smooth bore flintlock Trade Gun and one .58 caliber cap lock Trade Rifle, that I made. Last is a S&W J-frame .22 handgun with a six inch barrel. All get to go for walks, canoe trips, back country skiing or snowshoe hikes with me, few get fired anymore. All have sentimental value to me, most were my fathers or grandfathers. My son's are not interested in firearms, so when I go, someone is going to get some nice firearms. Put me down as owning 13, but I could get by with just one of the combination guns.

Put me in your will for the 30-06/12 gun... I've been looking for one for years, never been able to find one that was in good shape or in my price range!!
Since I started building flintlock long guns, I have been getting rid of my modern guns. I just enjoy carrying/shooting/hunting with a gun I built myself. To answer sort of-4 of my builds-a fouler, and .32, .45,and .50 cal. rifles.
No Title

I've been hunting and shooting since about the age of 9. So between the guns my dad bought me, hand me downs and my own purchases the collection has added up. Sold a few over the years, but not many.

Mem, another BLR .308 fan here, Browning fan in general though. own quite a few. I have an A-bolt in 30-06 that is more accurate, but the BLR is my favorite big game rifle hands down, both have put a lot meat in the freezer tho. BL-22 for small game too. However, these days I hunt with a longbow or 50's style recurve 90% of the time. Don't kill as much as my firearm days, but have a lot more fun. Bows don't hurt my ears and I don't have to clean'em when I'm done either ;)


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I was a firearms instructor and competitive shooter for most of my career. I have had three side by side shotguns custom made for me in Spain. I carry single action pistols in he outdoors, usually. Last week hiking in Glacier park, I carried my Freedom arms revolver in .475 Linbaugh. My safe weighed 1978 pounds empty. My son and I shoot long range rifle out to 1200 yards. I guess I am considered a firearms enthusiast... I also own four canoes.
Two. A Ruger single six convertible for plinking that I've had for years, and a recently purchased Ruger LCR in 327 for the rare occasion I feel the need to be armed.
Currently I own three black powder muskets. They are all reproductions of various trade muskets that I use in my 17th & 18th century re-enacting pursuits. Two of the three have accompanied me on canoe trips to Lake George but the other is mostly for my trader persona and part of my display.

That's all for now. Take care and until next time....be well.


PS - Yes...they all shoot.
Err, haven't really counted lately.

Some I inherited when my dad passed away, a couple are my older bothers while he is in Korea (military) and didn't want to put them in long term storage, and several are my own. Combination of hunting and self defense.

I used to shoot a bit more then I do now, but cant get myself to give them up. Besides, there are one or two more I still would like to own....
I voted 8-10, but I may have more. I've only purchased 3 or 4, the rest were given to me. I use a 22 to kill the red squirels living in my attic, the 30\06 I've used on a couple cariboo hunts over the years and I have 12 gage shot guns and a 357 revolver I use for self protection. I'm not a gun nut and haven't even shot most of the guns I have.

If you want to know who the gun nuts are, ask how many rounds of ammo someone has.