• Happy Birthday, Albert Einstein (1879-1955)! 🇪🟰Ⓜ️🇨2️⃣

Photo of the day

There is a song that is popular at this time of the year.. "My Favorite Things". This is Lucy's favorite. Frozen squirrel (yes its real and really dead)

There is a song that is popular at this time of the year.. "My Favorite Things". This is Lucy's favorite. Frozen squirrel (yes its real and really dead)

YC, can I borrow this pic for another forum? Guy had to shoot some problem squirrels that got in his attic, and was wondering what to do with them now (stuck 'em in the freezer til we come up with some ideas). This is too funny...
She gets chippies too. Reds are more elusive and get away and protest loudly. I think she is intimidated by them.

An actual canoe related picture.. She had just launched herself off the bow. Thank goodness it was not off the gunwale.
She actually is very good.. not here though

Anyway Hogan thanks for sharing your picture of your beloved Lab. It's a good reminder to take a good picture of your companion on every canoe trip.
My first lab, Molly here ready for geese in Northwest Connecticut, best dog I ever had, till I got the one that replaced her. It took a while for Abby to win me over, about a week.

So many late and great. Mine too.

Lily was C.'s rescue but did not pass the "must nap quietly at the foot of the easel" test.

She became good at tromping around with me.

At first she was whimsical about if and when she would get in a canoe, and about how long she would would stay in one.
One afternoon when she seemed to have lost track of boarding time and had wandered off into the woods, I left her. Even at a quarter mile I could almost sense her surprise as she trotted up to where the boat had been.

She spotted me but had a tough scramble along a rough shoreline. I stopped as we met at a point. She hopped in. Never a problem after that.

My guy is a bit big on trips, and on our family trip last year seemed to totally not enjoy himself at all. I mean he moped the entire time. But I love him like anyone in the family.

Red that is one seerious dawg.. What breed?

Here is mine "under the weather" . She hates her raincoat

100% pure rescue reserve dog. He's a big softie and comes in at 98 pounds as of the last vet visit. The guy I got him from claimed he was part wolf but I am not sure I buy that story. He is part husky for sure but what else is a mystery. He's big and strong and loves being outside.

YC, That is a cute raincoat for the dog. Does the dog appreciate it as much as the rest of do?
No she doesn't. And despite hundreds of hours in the boat and attendance at canoe instructional events, she refuses to paddle.

Mine is a rescue dog too. Sometimes you can find purebreds. When we got her(she had only been in rescue 1 day) she weighed 120 lbs. Seriously over fed but underplayed with by former owners. She went bonkers when we got her. Not interested in eating, wanted to run and swim with the neighborhood gang of retreivers. So happy. She lost lbs quickly and now comes in at 63 lbs.
The last weekend of Autumn, -23c with a -32c wind chill, what better day to enjoy the back yard fire pit. Makes one yearn for Summer...

Nice M.

Hard to remember winter has not actually arrived yet when temp has not been above -20C at all this past week. -33C one night I think. Approaching the temperature when the American's catch up to us, or is we catch up to them?

You inspired me to go for a nice hike tomorrow with my dog. -30C right now and clear skies when the sun comes up around 9am it is should be a beauty day.
Might snowshoe with dog tomorrow too. Not that cold now that the wind abated. -20 c and expected to get overnight some 30 cm of fluff that ought to be easily cleared hopefully leaving time for in the woods.
Ran across this in October of last year when we paddled to Armadilla Island for a weekend camp trip.
Red and YC, enjoy your walks, without the wind it is -35c this morning, a good day to stay inside.

A slight respite for 3 days of seasonal temps then back into the deep freeze on Thursday