• Happy Ides of March! 🌕🇪 🇹 2️⃣🗡️

Photo of the day

Take out just above Mountain Chute, Riviere Noire. You have 2 choices to portage Mountain Chute, one is a take out just before the rapids start a few hundred meters above the falls and carry 1500 meters up and over a mountain, or run down the middle of the rapids till you pass a ledge, then draw left to the portage, which is what I did on a solo trip.

Here is what lies just below the takeout,

And here is the falls just beyond the take out. I had to lower the canoe and packs with a rope to the bottom of the portage.

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On this small Island where we camped there was a natural rock formation for the kitchen that allowed standing while cooking with this view.

I'm sure most everyone has gone for a quiet paddle on a misty morning. On this morning I wore a compass, and travelled through a small chain of lakes. The world was shrouded in this heavy cold fog, and I saw nor heard no wildlife or other paddlers. It all burned off as I returned to our site a couple hours later, just in time for coffee and breakfast.
Just a picture of a picture from previous adventure. Just need to hang this here to motivate me to go back and get a proper digital picture of this very interesting spot to camp. Was one of my first solo trips and I had a wonderful 90km/hr+ wind/rain storm to go with this exposed spot during the weekend evening. Had anchored the tent and extras down with rock climbing trad gear and the canoe was hidden in a rock cave below and to the left of the tent during the night. Was not sure if the tent was going to survive the night even with all the extra lines used. Was a great weekend trip that included solo aid climbing and dropping the 4x4 jeep off a cliffside trail in the rain and winching it back across a sloped face. I think I will try for a more relaxed trip next time!

The dogs are fine, they were the ones to find the cubs. I called them off, shot the pic and we let the area fast.
On facebook they call it "Throw back Thursday" so here's my old picture. It was 1967, late August iirc, Cobden, Ontario, Muskrat Lake and if you want the exact location, if you look at old voyageur maps about the portage on the Ottawa River that uses Muskrat Lake, we where on the spot where the portage headed back to the Ottawa River northbound. Right behind me taking this picture was the trail leading towards the Ottawa.

Anyway, it was 67' and my ride was up, after my few weeks here in Cobden I was headed back to NY and volunteering for the draft. I had a friend who got called so we planned to go together. Little did I know he would be rejected...haha, for me.

So my longtime friend Paul G from Ottawa and I took a paddle one last time down the lake in the old Plycraft canoe with some beer, beans, franks, and some Players cigs. This is Paul looking cool for the camera. It wouldn't be long before he had his own cross to bear as he became a Mountie with the RCMP and spent a while at Norway House in northern Manitoba policing First Nations reserves before alcohol was banned in many of the villages. His stories where sad and scary. Later he became part of the Musical Ride and we hooked up again under Madison Square Garden in NYC where he gave my wife, her sister and myself the grand tour of the stables and first class seats to the performance, then out to dinner, this time we left out the beans and franks.
Two good reasons I love canoes and Canada.
My friend Paul G, 1967
Well that one will end the thread, because it is not likely anybody will be able to compare to that post. A sincere thank you for that.

Black Label stubby in the picture and the Timmins Tuxedo make that an awesome picture as well.
"Hey Mabel! Black Label!..." Anyone remember that old beer ad jingle?
My brother and I were just talking last night about stubbies, while watching the hockey game. A brother's ex had a Black Label ball cap. Everyone was envious of that ball cap.
Real nice story Robin; and a great photo.
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