Those are all straight out of the messing, no fooling with them at all. The polarizing filter has a lot to do with it, and it was a particularly nice day!!
Of course, not every shot is a keeper...but with the right exposure and lighting, some of them aren't too bad.
Back when I shot and developed slide film exclusively, I had to be very selective about my bracketing, and then wait a few days to see if I "got lucky".
But now, I just keep my display set to "highlight" and make sure I don't have any blocked up highlights, most shots are from -0.7 to -2.0 stops underexposed.
And less than ideal lighting...still nice enough (I think), but it just doesn't have the same "pop" as some others.
But it does capture the feel of the brook that we paddled.
OK, one last photo, I hope no one minds!