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Old Town OCTA

Yeah, it's my understanding that the warning to never open or try to refill while hot and attached to the stove wasn't enough and there are enough lawyers who like to take cases from the stupid and make lots of $$'s and force lots of businesses to have to do things to cover their butt's. Can't say I haven't ever done stupid, like the time I was using a stove just like yours and my coffee boiled over and put out the burner, I made the assumption it had just happened and I tossed in a match - well the fireball the ensued and burned a very large hole in the top of my screen tent just screamed Stupid, you weren't watching very closely were you! Oh well, I never thought I should sue Coleman because their stove doesn't have an automatic gas shut off and 25 years later my boys haven't let me forget. Memory makers.
We installed the two new full ribs yesterday, the good news is the fit great, installed really nice, we got them all tacked in and when I went out to the shop this morning to light the wood stove, one of the ribs had a stress crack...UGH, once the shop warms up I'll pull that rib and build a new one, soak and steam it over the next few days.
2 new ribs installed yesterday, one to be pulled today:
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Two steps forward, one step back. Some days go like that. You're headed in the right direction gentlemen.
That deck is beeeaaauuutiful!! Get a load of that graceful arc to that stem.
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I would say it's about 1/2", maybe 5/8's. It's been repaired from a previous restoration but they will look very good for a soon to be user canoe.
I pulled that cracked "new" rib and made another, and made new cant ribs too. After soaking in water for a couple of days, we steamed them, then bent them and clamped them. Two days drying and I'll install them Sunday. We also installed the bow deck yesterday, this one came out very nice also. Glad that's over with, installing decks on new inwales gives me the willies!

Decks installed, ribs drying. We hope to finish sanding and start the interior varnish Monday with warm temps predicted.;)
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That is a niiiiiice looking canoe there. Sometimes crap happens though and as you aptly demonstrated, when it does, just start over. We have run into issues lately too and especially with old, well used boats, things are not always as they were originally. Which is no surprise really since at 56 years old I am not the same dimensions as I used to be either.

As for the flooded Coleman thing...I did a relight on one that had been put out by a boiling coffee pot too. It was spectacular to be sure. Mine was outside at least but it was sitting on top of an old canoe that I was using as a table to cook with and there were rivulets of burning naptha flowing all over the place. Scared the hell out of karin in the process so it wasnt a total wasted effort. It reminded me of the movie "Backdraft".

Robin...I am surprised you dont just make a firepit and stoke it all with wood, most canoe builders have lots of scraps laying around that need to get burnt up...lol.

That is a niiiiiice looking canoe there. Sometimes crap happens though.......

Robin...I am surprised you dont just make a firepit and stoke it all with wood, most canoe builders have lots of scraps laying around that need to get burnt up...lol.


We have the occasional fire here in the evening, lots of scrap cedar, hemlock and pine.(and a cold beverage too)

Put the cant ribs in and finished the planking around them. Finished the sanding, then applied the first coat of varnish. We cut the varnish (Interlux 90) with 1/3 boiled linseed oil and 1/3 paint thinner to 1/3 varnish to soak into the bare cedar. In a few minutes I'll be out the putting on the second coat of straight Interlux no scuffing or sanding between coats yet.
We applied some stain to the new ribs after rubbing the wet varnish off them but it's tough to get a great match. A couple weeks out tripping will solve that.
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We have the occasional fire here in the evening, lots of scrap cedar, hemlock and pine.(and a cold beverage too)

Put the cant ribs in and finished the planking around them. Finished the sanding, then applied the first coat of varnish. We cut the varnish (Interlux 90) with 1/3 boiled linseed oil and 1/3 paint thinner to 1/3 varnish to soak into the bare cedar. In a few minutes I'll be out the putting on the second coat of straight Interlux no scuffing or sanding between coats yet.
We applied some stain to the new ribs after rubbing the wet varnish off them but it's tough to get a great match. A couple weeks out tripping will solve that.

Very nice Robin... The rib match is just fine! "A couple weeks of tripping," some fish blood, Bean boot scuffs and a few loads of firewood will take care of that.
As you know, I like the scars.
Pretty sure we will be canvasing next week, I'll make sure to get some pics, we should be putting the 3rd coat of varnish on this afternoon.
It would be nice to see how someone else canvasses. We too will be doing that within a couple of weeks on the other Tremblay. Perhaps you can help improve our technique Robin.
The weather didn't co-operate and we got a little behind. The second coat of varnish took forever to really dry out before we could sand it, today we got the 3rd coat on.
Next is that really nice looking Epifanes varnish.
Bob also found an original thwart to replace the "non OEM" bow thwart, nice find at Schuyler's shop.
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The weather didn't co-operate and we got a little behind. The second coat of varnish took forever to really dry out before we could sand it, today we got the 3rd coat on.
Next is that really nice looking Epifanes varnish.
Bob also found an original thwart to replace the "non OEM" bow thwart, nice find at Schuyler's shop.

What a difference!, now the lines look proper.
I'm really interested to see the canvassing process. Post a lot of pictures please. It's looking great so far.