• Happy Ides of March! 🌕🇪 🇹 2️⃣🗡️

Old Town OCTA

Wow! I never expected the filler to be that thick. What do you spread it on with? Really fascinating.
I think that picture of the filler needs to be clarified.

When the filler sits for an extended period it settles, that thick paste goes to the bottom, the liquids sit on top. I poured the liquid off into another container and mixed the paste (the paste in the picture) with a stick. It thins out and then I added the liquid back in with it, stir that up and it ends up a thick liquid that you can paint on.
You can rub it in with a canvas glove, I used my bare hand.
I was going to ask where the update is on this, but now I remeber that the filler has to dry for weeks on end. I'll continue to impatiently wait for the finished product.
We sanded it yesterday and applied a first coat of paint, a mixture of used paint Schuyler sells us for cheap, 1/2 price for a quart. We get a coat down then, sand most of it off, just enough to fill in the dimples.
Bob sanding with 80 grit,

The white stuff is glazing compound we use to fill in the voids and around the ends where the canvas is folded over itself,

We will finish sanding tomorrow after the glazing compound hardens around the stems and give the canoe it's second coat of that same color then.

So today I sanded early while Bob had to make a visit to his Doctor. I hit the canoe's 2nd coat with 80 grit again,lots of high spots that needed to be knocked down.

I rolled the canoe up on it's side to insure a good sanding on it's sides,

Later in the day I applied the 3rd coat of mixed paint, looks like this will be a 5 coat paint job. Tomorrow when Bob and I get the canoe outside in bright light we will make that decision. For sure the next coat will be dark green, but it might require two coats of the dark green for a nice finish, we'll see.

So Bob stopped over this am and we found the fresh paint just a wee bit to tacky, we will sand and paint tomorrow. We trimmed the excess canvas off up around the gunnels and fitted the new gunnels (2 piece pre bent ash supplied by Dennis). You can see them sitting behind the canoe in this picture, glued up and clamped in a piece of angle iron.

Trimming that canvas is always a big boost to the "we are getting there" feeling, it looks good. The new inwales will look really special next to the new gunnels when we sand and varnish.

Next paint will be just be around the bow and stern, the bottom is good. A light sanding will hopefully get us to the final coat(s).

Here's the gunnels clamped into a piece of angle iron after applying the epoxy.

Today we installed the gunnels, this is a big step in seeing progress on a restoration

Bob pre drilling with a counter sink,

We finished installing the gunnels, then we sanded and finished the undercoat paint, day off tomorrow, then we apply the first coat of dark green Friday.
(that green paint on the gunnels will come off with a razor/sanding)

We left the tips long, quit while your ahead, there is always tomorrow.

We stopped at Schuyler Thomsons canoe shop for some gunnel screws, some more glazing compound and a few laughs. Schuyler and Frank enjoy seeing us as much as we enjoy seeing them, lots of jokes, some serious canoe talk, tripping plans and plans for this winters projects. I picked up a Christmas present for my daughter and family, 4 used beavertail paddles for my daughter, her husband and their two sons. gonna burn some neat "Maine" related figures into the paddles and restore them so they can hang them in Dad's game room between paddles,

Awwwwww man that is a sweet looking boat. I love the recurve on the ends. Try as I will, I just can't warm up to the modern flat sheer styles.

And look at the figure in those paddles...they are very pretty. You always find the coolest stuff.

Ya gotta love a guy who has his priorities figured out: Do I cut the grass or work on the canoe? Yup. The grass can wait.
I'm liking this canoe. Can't wait for the finish coats. That putty, paint and sanding sure smooths out the canvas nicely.
Great gift idea for the family, those paddles! A project for freeze up?
We put the second coat of Green on today after a light sanding. We moved into the barn where the lighting is better. Bob painted, we agreed he is the better painter and he suggested that I should stand by and stay out of his way. What do they say? "It work's for me":cool:

He was spot on today, a light scuff tomorrow if it's dry and the final coat of paint.

I also picked up a really nice wood canvas 16' Old Town OCTA Friday just needs some TLC and will be for sale by Sept.

Very nice job you guys. I know first hand how tough it is to get all of the bumps out of an older boat. This one has nice smooth lines. Somebody will fall in love with that one.