Today we installed the gunnels, this is a big step in seeing progress on a restoration
Bob pre drilling with a counter sink,
We finished installing the gunnels, then we sanded and finished the undercoat paint, day off tomorrow, then we apply the first coat of dark green Friday.
(that green paint on the gunnels will come off with a razor/sanding)
We left the tips long, quit while your ahead, there is always tomorrow.
We stopped at Schuyler Thomsons canoe shop for some gunnel screws, some more glazing compound and a few laughs. Schuyler and Frank enjoy seeing us as much as we enjoy seeing them, lots of jokes, some serious canoe talk, tripping plans and plans for this winters projects. I picked up a Christmas present for my daughter and family, 4 used beavertail paddles for my daughter, her husband and their two sons. gonna burn some neat "Maine" related figures into the paddles and restore them so they can hang them in Dad's game room between paddles,