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No Bears Yet

Nov 14, 2018
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Heart of the Shawnee Nation
Bogan and I took the riverside trail. A few gobblers talking, but no bear sign yet. Maybe a couple weeks and the mommas and babies will be out and about. Wolves seem to have disappeared around here, but I did find a bunch of feathers that signaled the demise of a gobbler. Looks like he should have resisted the urge to gobble.
Spoke with my neighbor up the hill the other day and our local black bear visited their house this past Saturday night. They still had some bird food out in their feeders. That was all it took for the invitation to be accepted. Not sure about other locations but in NYS it's recommended that all feeders be taken in by April 1st. Mine have been empty since the snow disappeared last week so I guess our place isn't as inviting as my neighbor's. Now I just need to take them in, clean them up and store them away until next winter.

That's all for now. Take care and until next time...be well.

We leave our bird feeders up year round, bears be danged. We had a nice sized bear with a fondness for suet and bird seed a few years ago but otherwise no issues other than raccoons.
No bears out yet on Pender Island, British Columbia. But then, there are no bears on Pender Island, BC.

Here’s our dog Shadow on his daily walk to Thieves Bay Marina and park.


Daffodils blooming all across the island. No bears around to dig up the bulbs.


Kathleen just pointed out that I failed to acknowledge her as the photographer.
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The cabin next door is owned by some people from the twin cities. They killed a yearling bear a couple years ago because he tore into some garbage they had on their porch. They drove off with the carcass in their ATV presumably to bury it. Since, the wildlife have precipitously declined around my cabin. Shooting squirrels and birds from the back porch is part of every visit.

My security cams used to catch sows with cubs and young bears several times each spring, along with a variety of game animals. Not last year, so far no bear sightings this spring. I don’t know if the mamas in this area are just dead, along with their cubs, or if they’ve just moved on due to the increased activity here. Garbage is still stored on the porch when they visit.

My cabin’s on the market.
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No bears here but surprisingly, for the first time in 7 years, the racoons have discovered my bird feeders. They can comfortably sit on the porch railing and pull out handfuls of seed to stuff their face at leisure so I've started bring the feeder in at night.

The other evening I forgot and was disturbed by two racoons fighting right outside my door. I walked out on the porch, shooed them away, and brought the feeder in. This all happened within 10 feet of Sadie who was crashed out on her dog bed next to the door and never even woke up. This is the same dog that used to wake me up multiple times every night whenever she'd catch a wiff or whisper of some creature in the yard.

I think my days of relying on her as a bear alarm when canoe tripping are over.
