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No Bears Yet

Nov 14, 2018
Reaction score
Heart of the Shawnee Nation
Bogan and I took the riverside trail. A few gobblers talking, but no bear sign yet. Maybe a couple weeks and the mommas and babies will be out and about. Wolves seem to have disappeared around here, but I did find a bunch of feathers that signaled the demise of a gobbler. Looks like he should have resisted the urge to gobble.
Spoke with my neighbor up the hill the other day and our local black bear visited their house this past Saturday night. They still had some bird food out in their feeders. That was all it took for the invitation to be accepted. Not sure about other locations but in NYS it's recommended that all feeders be taken in by April 1st. Mine have been empty since the snow disappeared last week so I guess our place isn't as inviting as my neighbor's. Now I just need to take them in, clean them up and store them away until next winter.

That's all for now. Take care and until next time...be well.

We leave our bird feeders up year round, bears be danged. We had a nice sized bear with a fondness for suet and bird seed a few years ago but otherwise no issues other than raccoons.