For some reason I thought I'd be able to build three boats over the winter and do a little spiffying up of a couple hulls as well. Building the three ran into spring (arguably summer) and I'm just now getting out one of the other hulls for a little clean up. I've owned this Magic for many years and she's be a fantastic boat. Don't know if I'm going to keep her or sell her but either way she's overdue for a little spiffying.
I already hosed off the mud and grime and gave it a wipe down with soapy water and then alcohol. You can see she suffers from the typical Bell Blush (the white areas on the inside of the hull), which I hope to remove.
20150611_001 by Alan, on Flickr
20150611_002 by Alan, on Flickr
The original owner had glued in a kneeling pad which has long since peeled away and left a mixture of foam and adhesive attached to the hull. A little scraping and washing it down with acetone removed pretty much all traces.
I was also surprised to see the acetone seemed to slightly soften the factory resin and removed the blush. So I wiped down the whole interior with acetone and now it looks like this:
20150611_004 by Alan, on Flickr
Well that was pretty easy. I'd love to just call it good and slap on a sealer to keep it from reoccurring but there are also some spots where the fabric is starting to wear from foot action so a light coat of epoxy will be called for:
20150611_003 by Alan, on Flickr
Laid down the epoxy just before coming inside for the night and I'll see what I've got tomorrow. Don't think I'll be doing anything too crazy with this boat. I'll coat it inside and out to get her looking pretty and finish re-oiling the wood. The thwarts and grab handles are already done. Just need to do the seat and hangers.
I already hosed off the mud and grime and gave it a wipe down with soapy water and then alcohol. You can see she suffers from the typical Bell Blush (the white areas on the inside of the hull), which I hope to remove.

The original owner had glued in a kneeling pad which has long since peeled away and left a mixture of foam and adhesive attached to the hull. A little scraping and washing it down with acetone removed pretty much all traces.
I was also surprised to see the acetone seemed to slightly soften the factory resin and removed the blush. So I wiped down the whole interior with acetone and now it looks like this:

Well that was pretty easy. I'd love to just call it good and slap on a sealer to keep it from reoccurring but there are also some spots where the fabric is starting to wear from foot action so a light coat of epoxy will be called for:

Laid down the epoxy just before coming inside for the night and I'll see what I've got tomorrow. Don't think I'll be doing anything too crazy with this boat. I'll coat it inside and out to get her looking pretty and finish re-oiling the wood. The thwarts and grab handles are already done. Just need to do the seat and hangers.