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Mad River Monarch

The housing isnt attached in the pix. the rivets had snapped and it wobbles.. When riveted its flush against the stem.

The Feathercraft rudder of course is of interest. But Feathercraft seems to be out of business.
The Feathercraft rudder of course is of interest. But Feathercraft seems to be out of business.

There are still some Feathercraft rudders in stock at outfitters; I think I saw some at BMO last visit. I would be surprised if some manufacturer/vendor didn’t pick up at least the rudders from the Feathercraft line, much like the Yakima foot pedals became Werner and then Mohawk.

There are rudder kits from other manufacturers as well. If you want to DIY the installation check with Tom at TopKayaker.

Difficult to type this but I'm going to put my Monarch up for sale. Reason, I recently paddled a 1934 Old Town wood canvas canoe a few weeks ago and found myself memorized while sitting in it and paddling. I'm not to sure how to price it but I was offered $1000 a few years back if it was fixed up a bit. Please offer your advise on what I should list it for. If you know of someone that has a w/c canoe that's looking for a trade please let me know. I will try to get pics up soon. Robin told me that once I get a w/c canoe then he will teach me the "secret" handshake!
Coldfeet, strange as it may sound, I enjoy helping guys get into the Kruger boats. I know of interested parties looking for a Monarch. Someone always is... I can offer advice on where/how to market that boat if you want it. email me at joewildlife at yahoo dot com and we will talk off forum. Due to supply and demand, and current new pricing for Sea Winds, I think you should expect twice the offer you got a few years ago. At the very very least get $1500 selling to a friend.

Thanks, saw that. They live pretty far away. I was contacted already yesterday. Will keep you updated, I want to , I need to learn that handshake!
X6, last offer.

And we meet somewhere between Long Island and the Mason-Dixon Line.
Will post the Monarch for sale when I get the chance on the classified section and other sites. Let others know who are interested in those types of boats know. Looking around the $1700 figure. Or a trade with a nice 15ft wood canvas tandem canoe. Thanks.
Will keep BIG RED! I realized that I want to enjoy it a bit longer. Will have to save my nickels to buy the wood canvas canoe. Sorry
Thanks, Mike and YC. Those are fine offers but as of now I have a meeting with DaveO this Sunday in Brooklyn!
no they are not. Your asking price was more than fair .. Keep that in mind that most of the depreciation on that boat has already happened and in the future you ought to get your $1700. I suggest that you advertise on Watertribe. The Monarch is highly desired for the Florida coast races.
Will keep BIG RED! I realized that I want to enjoy it a bit longer. Will have to save my nickels to buy the wood canvas canoe. Sorry

Probably a smart choice. Anyway, I was about to whine about how I'm too far away again. Now I can feel better.
Been talking with a friend about a used Phoenix Vagabond they picked up to retrofit, and with another who acquired a (curious origin?) 18 foot, always solo/never converted, purpose built decked/ruddered canoe of unknown manufacture. That one is a truly unique mystery hull, never seen the like before. Always happy to have a few more brethren afloat in decked canoe oddities.

I’m jonsing to see what they do, and thought back to this extraordinary thread, with contributions from decked canoe paddlers far and wide, wandering into outfitting ideas, rudders, sails and other nuggets of personal preference.

Re-reading this thread kinda made me want to find another old-school decked canoe, or a “Tandem European Style” touring canoe to convert. That conversion is such an enjoyable outfitting adventure, with a tandem-gutted blank canvas presenting the opportunity to put everything just where and how you want it.

Or not. When the weather warms up I need to bring our OT Sockeye and Klepper Kamerad into the shop and repaint the white gel coat bottoms with some white EZ-Poxy. That sequence is actually: outside under-the-hose wet sand/inside tape and paint, outside hose and wet sand and repeat. And repeat

That’s enough wet sanding, washing, taping, painting and repainting to keep me busy for a while.

And I’ll have a friend’s new/very used Sawyer Loon in the shop this spring for some much needed TLC. We’ll probably make a couple custom tapered dry bags for that Loon while we’re at it. That should be enough decked canoe work to hold me for a while.
The Monarch is an extraordinary tripping canoe for many places, especially open waters and coastal/tidal paddling.

I know folks use them for dang near everything, but a 17x33 hull designed for “expedition” paddling actually does better, especially in sloppy conditions, with a gear load. I’m a large paddler and even with my bulk I’d prefer to have a bit of gear behind the seat and maybe some transferable to the bow (depending on wind direction) to sink the hull to its best performance depth.

When you can, post some photos of the existing outfitting and condition. MRC changed a few of the outfitting touches over the years, mostly for the better, and there are a couple of simple glass and resin outfitting applications that will improve any vintage Monarch.

Coldfeet – Mukluks a half-to-full size too large, Sealskin socks under those, Smartwool socks under those. That and room to still wiggle your toes and you will be Warmfeet.
Please explain the glass and resin outfitting applications you are referring to
@Brighella, Welcome to the site. The "Guest" designation indicates (I believe) that the poster has, for whatever reason, deleted their account. In this case, the poster that you quoted has not been on the forum for a couple of years.

If you have questions regarding outfitting, boats or, really, just about anything canoe related, feel free to start a new thread. Folks here are usually very helpful, it's a lot of fun to see other people's projects and we tend to all learn from each other.

Looking forward to seeing you around.
Please explain the glass and resin outfitting applications you are referring to

Brighella, welcome to site membership! Feel free to ask any questions and to post messages, photos and videos, and to start threads, in our many forums. Please read Welcome to CanoeTripping and Site Rules! Also, please add your location to the Account Details page in your profile, which will cause it to show under your avatar, as this is a geographic sport. Many of the site's technical features are explained in Features: Help and How-To Running Thread. We look forward to your participation in our canoe community.

The member you quoted and questioned is @Mike McCrea, whose pre-2021 posts appear under the name "Guest" because of problems under our previous software platform and who hasn't posted here in a while. If you send him a PM using our private conversation feature and include your email address in your PM, that will generate an email to him, which he may see and respond to.

Meanwhile, if you use our site's search feature to search for "Mad River Monarch" or just "Monarch", you will find many posts discussing that canoe by Guest, Mike McCrea and many other members.