Ha! You are moving!
I can't wait to see it wet out. I think the pigment is going to look great.
Thanks again for the photos
I can't wait to see it wet out. I think the pigment is going to look great.
Thanks again for the photos

Very interesting! Is there any UV protection built into the pigment?
Stripperguy, just as I suspected, any red Ferrari would be jealous. I'm impressed also to see that the layers seem to wet down so smoothly on top of one another. I didn't expect that. I'm still struggling with the bias cut thing, but don't worry, I'll catch up. I'm also expecting the red exterior/cedar interior to look WOW! It's already insanely good looking. Thanks for this shop sharing.
Your photos are clear enough for me, and thanks for them. Especially for the fabric explanation. I understand it now. As far as the decks and bulkheads go, that's a puzzle to me. The classic look of cedar vs the tech look of carbon fibre vs more sexy red. There'll be lots of wood interior to please the eye, with a contrast of cf in the seats etc. What colour is carbon fibre? Do you add pigment? (I came this close to buying a cf hull, and sometimes regret my hesitation. It was black, and really sharp to see. I opted for kevlar in a more traditional colour. The scratches I added would've been ugly on any boat.) Whatever your decision SG, it'll be made by someone with much skill and experience. I'm just a happy passenger along for the ride on this thread. A very happy passenger. Take your time. I've made my own popcorn.
Brad, I'm more of a Jeep guy myself (Ferrari's don't do it for me!)...I happen to have an extra TJ, red in color right now, selling as soon as it's retitled.
The cloth generally lays down quite well, I'll try to get some better photos of the stem strips to show how that Dynel fiber soaks up the resin and swells like an old man's ego!!
The bias cut thing, hmmmm, OK, here's a better description. I cut the cloth for the stem strips at a 45 degree angle to the way the cloth is woven, or at a 45 degree angle to the warp and weft. Google images will tell all.
When the cloth is cut that way, all edges have free strands. And when the bias cut strips are placed on the stems, those free ends can wiggles and shift easily. At the tightest radius, the fibers schmoosh closer together, gradually becoming less and less distorted as the strip is no longer covering a compound radius.
Now, for the aesthetic considerations. Yeah, I do think the red exterior with the natural interior will look pretty good. But try to imagine that with all carbon fiber gunnels. The jet black (or maybe with some kevlar too) gunnels starkly contrasting with the modern looking solid red exterior and the traditional looking all wood interior. And all carbon fiber seat frame and thwarts too. I think it will be a very distinctive look.
I'm still on the fence about decks and bulkheads though. Not undecided about their existence, that's a given. But I'm not sure if they should be natural, like the interior, red like the exterior, or carbon fiber, like the gunnels, seat and thwarts. I still have a few minutes to decide, I suppose. What do you guys think?
I think I'm really liking the shape of that bottom!
Are you using just the roller for finish coats?