Sorry, man...there's a short story coming, so be sure to be sitting.
I had rushed through most of the build, knowing that my free time could evaporate at any moment.
Sure enough, not long after I had the boat done enough to paddle, a veritable sh!t storm of rehabs and vacancies hit MDB and I. (we have 27 rental units that we own and maintain). So, with occupancy deadlines looming, all canoe work stopped, along with any form of recreation.
Around the start of August, I had just enough free time to wet sand the entire outside of the hull and apply two layers of acrylic clear coat.
I managed to get the clear coat wet sanded before the next trip with the boat. I still needed to buff out the finish, to make it really shine.
Well, after that particular trip, I saw how beat up the hull was, and decided that I wasn't going to spend any more time to make the finish flawless, when I knew what would come next.
So here we are in September, and MDB and I have another rental property crush, so the couple of wilderness trips already planned will be shifted to October.
But, I did manage to take a day off of work and paddle with My Darling Bride up Fishing Brook.
Still left to do:
Clear coat the gunnels and thwarts
Build that fancy seat/portage yoke combo from foam and carbon fiber.
Retire from my full time job.
All of the above will happen in 2015...but I do have some photos of the mostly completed Kite.
Here it is at Sand Lake
And here we are on Fishing Brook (photo from MDB's iphone, not the best!)