Shuffle off to Buffalo?
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Shuffle off to Buffalo?
It just came up today, I didn't think it would last at the price it was listed, $350.Link says the post has been deleted.
So get one canoe like a Swift Prospector in 15 or 16'. It symmetrical so's you can use if as solo and it's makes a great tandem.
We need a lighter tandem. We are heading to the Adirondacks in August for 8 days and she remembers carrying one our royalex tandems we took a couple years ago.
When it's just the two of us do we want a almost 19 foot canoe? Yeah its light but it's a big boat! I think we would be better off with a 16' wenonah or something similar
Our youngest is 10 and my wife was thinking if we got the Northwind 18 (18'9") we could take most the gear and her. Our 15 year old boy wants to take his kayak or my solo canoe (also royalex).