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Hello from upstate NY

Apr 16, 2017
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Melrose, NY
Just a quick hello from an old guy whith an itch to spend more time in the outdoors. Specifically, the Adirondacks.
I'll be retiring on May 1st and plan on pursuing my developing interest in solo canoe tripping. I'm happy to have discovered this group and hope to learn from your collective wisdom and experience.
See you on the water.
Mr Badger,
Welcome to this forum, it's a good group.
If you have any questions about paddling in the ADK's, feel free to ask away. There's a few centuries of combined knowledge here. I've been paddling there since the 60's, although my preferences may be different than yours, I'm sure I could supply some insight.

What sort of paddling/waters do you enjoy most?
Do you/can you carry your canoe?
Do you plan to camp as well?
Are you interested in any particular area of the ADK's?
Lots of us Adirondack area paddlers here on the forum.
Retiring in May? Good for you and congratulations.

Whether you consider racing or not, you might want to come to see many of us at the Round the Mountain event in Saranac Lake on 13 May to meet several others of us.

Then in July is the Wooden Heritage Canoe Assembly at Paul Smiths. You don't need to own a wooden canoe to meet fellow paddlerss and have a good time there!

see ya out there.
check out WNY paddlers facebook page and you are inviter to our "Canoeapoluza" solo canoe event at our home-Turtle Pond.
Thanks to all for the warm welcome and the invites.
Stripperguy - I'm a newbie. I own a 12' Wilderness Systems Tsunami kayak that I use on some local lakes for fun and fishing, but by no means would I refer to myself as a paddler. For the past few years my wife and I have camped on the island on Putnum Pond for a couple of weeks at a time and the enjoyment of doing that, has inspired me to pursue a more remote Adk experience. I have invested in much of the gear necessary for tripping, but have been waiting for spring to paddle the canoes that I think will suite my needs. I hope to decide in the next few weeks. Because of an abused lower back, I am looking at some of the longer, light weight, pack boats. 14' or 15'. Any thoughts, anyone?
Because of an abused lower back, I am looking at some of the longer, light weight, pack boats. 14' or 15'. Any thoughts, anyone?
you'll want to check out adirondack lightweight canoe makers at Placid Boat Works, Hornbeck Boats, Hemlock Canoe, Adirondack Canoe Company, Swift Canoe, and Grasse River Boats.

If you can wade your way through the overemphasis (IMO) on 20-somethings kayaks and SUPs, a visit to Adirondack Paddlefest may be worth your time (but don't necessarily expect all of the best canoe vendors to be represented there)

see the other thread for how I cured my back problem.
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Ditto the ADK Paddlefest suggestion. While it is true that several of the 'boutique' builders won't be represented, at least you will be able to get an idea of how a lite weight solo will handle. One great builder will be in Old Forge that weekend so if you are interested in talking to him and seeing what his boats look like, send me a PM and I'll tell you how to find him.
another great event and free is the Western Pennsylvania Solo Canoe Rendezvous. Tandem teams sometimes come. Its not a commercial event per se but there will be "boutique" builders there. They rely on you trying their solo lightweight boats and going home and thinking about what is best for you.
And there will be a bunch of us there, its good to put a face to a name.

Hope you can make it.
Thanks for all the info! I have been planning to attend the Saratoga Paddlefest and perhaps the one in Old Forge as well. Based on the research that I've done and my novice perception of what may work for me, I'm attracted to the Swift Keewaydin 14 or 15. Although I must say, the idea of plunking down 3k+ is a bit disconcerting.
Been away for a few days but I'd also like to add my "Welcome" to the forum. I'm down near Cooperstown, NY and the beginning of the Susquehanna River if you're ever interested in paddling down this way.

And that goes for everyone else as well.

Again, welcome to the forum. All these folks make it a great place to visit.

Take care and until next time...be well.

Thanks for all the info! I have been planning to attend the Saratoga Paddlefest and perhaps the one in Old Forge as well. Based on the research that I've done and my novice perception of what may work for me, I'm attracted to the Swift Keewaydin 14 or 15. Although I must say, the idea of plunking down 3k+ is a bit disconcerting.
Well the good thing is that if you like the boat it will give you lots of use and perhaps pennies per use in the long run. If you buy it and have buyers remorse you will get almost all your investment back.
I am betting on the former.

Yes its a hefty bite of money.. But its too new a model to find many on the used market .
Mr Badger,
You're not that far from where I live. You're welcome to come try one of my solo boats. The Mohawk River is but 8 minutes away...
Hey, you guys are great!

Snapper - Thanks for the welcome and the invite. The Susquehanna River valley is beautiful from the seat of a motorcycle. I bet it's spectacular from the seat of a canoe. Perhaps one day soon.

Yellowcanoe - I'm sure you are right either way. I know the pricey, hi tech, boutique canoes are probably more than a novice needs. But, I need light weight if I'm to do portages and my lower back (when paddling) is of concern. So, if I do my homework, I hope to choose the right boat out of the box. All of that said, I'm willing to bet on the former too.

Stripperguy - That is a mighty generous offer. Thanks! Please PM me when you get a moment and perhaps we can set something up.