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Harlan hacked again?

Aug 1, 2011
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In trying to visit that other site, I'm told that "Authentication Required. A username and password are being requested by http://www.solotripping.com. The site says: "Temporarily Controlled"".

Anyone have any ideas?
Re: Harlan hacked again?

An answer from another post:
Posted by: harlan on Aug-22-11 11:46 AM (EST)

i'm working on the site as we speak. It may be another day or two until it's back up and runing.

I put up that pop up asking for username and password so it't not malicious......

I always love these threads.
Re: Harlan hacked again?

We were hit by a spammer this morning. I saw his post immediately and deleted it along with banning him.

I don't know what Harlan is working on this time, I assume improvements.
Re: Harlan hacked again?

I'm slow2run on that site, and it want take my password?
Re: Harlan hacked again?

[quote author="slow2run"]I'm slow2run on that site, and it want take my password?[/quote]

According to one of the above posts he is working on the site with no explanation as to what is going on.
I just tried it from my iPad and it seems to be working fine.

Did you get a virus from him on your PC?
He has always fixed it before. Do you think he will give up this time?

Speculation but he has not been on the site in a month and has not updated it like he used to. I think he is just plain tired of it. Life moves on and so do we.

He has a full time job running a busy outfitting service.
I just renewed this site for another year. I will continue it so long as at least some people keep using it. VBulletin was the big expense.
The Google warning started today. The spyware pop up has been going on for months. I don't think it has harmed any of the four devices we have.

However the red screen is going to scare users away. With no one to talk to its dead unless fixed.

You can see how busy he has been at www.redlakeoutfitters.com
I tried Google search and see what you are talking about. I wonder if he knows.
I tried Google search and see what you are talking about. His intent was to use Solotripping to feed customers to the outfitting business. I wonder if he knows.

No I really don't think that was his intent. He was not going to make a success out of solo trippers only. I think his priorities merely changed.

Who knows we both could be wrong.
I am going by what he told me when i posted about my site. He was worried that i would steal customers. I wish!:D
No I really don't think that was his intent. He was not going to make a success out of solo trippers only. I think his priorities merely changed.

Who knows we both could be wrong.

I was probably wrong about the relation of solotripping to the outfitting.
FYI for all those who use solotripping. Harlan posted this on MYCCR a few minutes ago.

Hi Folks,

Thanks for all the inquiries about the site and it's future. I've taken the site down for awhile while we work on some new developments with it.

It's my busy season at the moment, so i'd ask everyone to be patient with this.

Thank you,


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