I am looking for specific experiences and your perceived pros and cons. I'd love to be able to try a few before buying because dropping $300 for something I can't sleep in would suck.
Red, on the pro side I will offer this; a trip with some friends who find their hammocks the most comfortable night’s sleep imaginable and who dislike going back into a tent in tree-less areas.
One con side I will offer this; I’m not one of them. We own a Hennessey, which my one son prefers over any other sleeping shelter. It is sheer agony for me. I have likewise tried hammocker friend’s Clarks and a Warbonnet with the same result, I was uncomfortable and in pain within minutes.
I often nap or read in a “day hammock”, and in that guise I am laying on my back. But I sleep on my side and that just doesn’t work for me in a hammock. Some side sleepers find hammocks comfortable, but not me.
I wish a hammock would work for me, as it would open different sleep shelter opportunities, especially on uneven or wet ground.
I would try to find some way to spend a night in one, especially one set up properly by an experienced hammocker. Or maybe more than one; the variety of design and feature choices available is bewildering.
For MacGradyesque research:
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