Doug - He lost me as soon as I saw his pricing on the lures. I wish him the best of luck but (in my opinion) no one needs that expensive a lure to catch fish. I guess I'm not his target audience so he probably doesn't care but that's OK by me.
That's all for now. Take care and until next well.
Holy, Moly!! That’s a lot of money for a fishing lure. Perhaps I’m just not in the class of fisher guys who would use such an expensive lure. On my wilderness canoe trips in Canada’s North, I take three Mepps spinners. Two gold and one silver. Total cost is between ten and fifteen dollars, IIRC. I catch grayling, pike and lake trout, usually in a matter of a few casts. These custom lures are probably for different species of fish, though. Even so, I can’t see me spending that kind of money for one lure. I didn’t spend that much on my rod and reel put together!
Those lures are quite different from the more usual spinners and such. They are special purpose designs for bass fishing. Top water lures encourage hard predatory strikes that can be most impressive to see when its a big ol' large mouth making the attack. I'd imagine these are aimed primarily at the tournament crowd, not the casual fisherman.
Holmes375 - I would agree that these lures are designed for bass fishing and top water action but honestly, you can still pick up Hula Poppers and other lures for a whole lot less $$$. As I said, I wish the guy well but I'm certainly not part of his target audience. Like PaddlingPitt, I still catch a lot of fish on the old reliable Mepps lures; #1 & #2 blades specifically.
That's all for now. Take care and until next well.
I would have thought that his target mkt was the elite trout fishing crowd. I didn't know there were elite bass fisherman. They are cool looking, but I think more of a conversation piece than your ticket to catching more or bigger fish. I may pick up a couple but I'm waiting for the 95% off sale.
Holmes375 - I would agree that these lures are designed for bass fishing and top water action but honestly, you can still pick up Hula Poppers and other lures for a whole lot less $$$. As I said, I wish the guy well but I'm certainly not part of his target audience. Like PaddlingPitt, I still catch a lot of fish on the old reliable Mepps lures; #1 & #2 blades specifically.
That's all for now. Take care and until next well.
Wouldn't think of leaving camp without my Mepps, they'll put dinner on the grill nearly every time. And they suit my preferred style of simple fishing. Things get too complicated or expensive and I no longer enjoy the sport. I don't fish for trophies or such but I enjoy catchin' breakfast or dinner.
The custom painted swim baits and their like are certainly outside my reality but his prices are not as extreme as one might initially think for custom baits. My favorite bass & crappy lure source is Bama Frogs. I have a few of his top water lures for my rather limited bass fishing excursions.
They also have a custom line of lures that are well beyond my pay grade. I simply cannot imagine having nearly a C-note attached to end of my fishing line!
I'm gonna say that these pieces are more of a conversation or display type of deal that a loved one with more money than I have would buy for a special birthday or Christmas. Fancy desk art. But... as my wife always tells me when shes cleaning out the basement in preparation for another yard sale , people will buy anything...