• Happy National K9 Veterans Day! 🪖🐕‍🦺

Explain Your Screen Name

Since I was a kid I've loved early country - delta blues, especially those recorded before WW2.

I had first discovered Muddy Waters and Howling Wolf and really liked the hard driving electric blues but it didn't take long to find all those who inspired them and the names really stuck with me ..... Son House, Furry Lewis, Ishman Bracey, Hambone Willie Newbern, Blind Lemon Jefferson, etc.....

One character was William Bunch who went by the name Peetie Wheatstraw and he called himself "The Devils Son Inlaw, The High Sheriff of Hell"
Back when I was Admin, Iirc, when signed in as Robin I would see the site a little differently than regular members, so I created Beavertail when I needed to see how different functions where working.
mine is actually pretty simple, years ago, as part of renovating someone's storage barn, I had to move a small 800lb trailer away from the back of it on a Friday, this trailer had sunk right through the asphalt and was sitting on it's frame, my less-than-bright helper (never hire casual workers from an employment agency) was on the jack as I pried the frame up with a 2x4. once I was clear of the hole I said "use the jack", unfortunately I wasn't accurate enough, and left out "under the frame" :rolleyes: - yes, he DID pump up the jack... out in the open a couple of feet from the trailer...
that resulted in having the 2x4 break across my chest.
That night I left for a Boy Scout competition camp to help out with a troop that couldn't meet ratio,, and all weekend I had a huge bruise, was having trouble breathing, and lifting my left arm at all was difficult and painful, but I still struggled through all the events. I went to the doctor Monday and found out I had 2 cracked ribs, a contused lung, and torn pectorals and deltoids.
I showed up at Monday night's camp review meeting strapped up like a Xmas turkey, and one of the leaders asked what happened, after my explanation he said "who do you think you are, Grizzly Adams?". All the kids started calling me Scouter Grizzly after that, and over time it was shortened to Scoutergriz...
Back when I was Admin, Iirc, when signed in as Robin I would see the site a little differently than regular members, so I created Beavertail when I needed to see how different functions where working.
I am not going there... Beavertails are excellent eating with maple syrup.
Am I the only one this happens to? There you are, birds are singing, the sky is blue, all is good, and then all of a sudden you have to come up with a 7 letter password for your new account. Oh, and include some numbers too, just to be on the safe side. And then my mind goes blank. Pick anything. Make up a word. Or use one you know. Think of something clever, and hopefully one you won't forget. But be quick, before the screen times ou… ahh, have to start again.
At least here on CT there were few if any parameters. But I still suffered from brain freeze. So I picked the first thing that popped into my empty head, the model name of my canoe.
When I registered I followed the lead of some others who use their own names and thought, why not?

So, having said that, I'll tell you about my nickname which I use on other forums (fora?). I joined an old Boy Scout troop (formed in 1911) which was very active in the outdoors. My scoutmaster was a young bachelor who was imaginative and bold, and during his tenure, he encouraged arduous hiking in the Adirondacks and White Mtns of New Hampshire, which led us into mountaineering and rock & ice climbing. At the same time, we paddled extensively in Grumman aluminum canoes which he bought and donated to the troop. He was an engineer with the Vertol division of Boeing, and for a time worked in Arnprior, ON where helicopters were being built, I guess under license to Boeing. It was there that he discovered Algonquin Park, and later led us on several trips. My earliest canoeing took place on the Lehigh River in Pennsylvania, often during the high flow times in early Spring which required wet suits to withstand the icy waters.

Because I embraced all of those activities, and have my entire life, he nicknamed me "Pitonpat, King River Rat". For those of you who don't know, pitons are the steel 'spikes' driven into rock cracks to which climbing ropes are connected via carabiners to safeguard rock climbers. The nickname was eventually shortened to just Pitonpat, and I still have one old pal who after nearly 60 years, commonly refers to me as "Piton". Piton seemed inappropriate for a canoeing forum so I went with my name instead.... King River Rat seemed a bit pretentious.
I've always been bewitched, bothered and bewildered by the dazzling array of inscrutable screen names. If you don't mind, please explain yours.

I always liked the explanation you gave a few years ago. Something along the lines of, "It's in honor of my favorite legal document, my birth certificate."

Am I the only one this happens to? There you are, birds are singing, the sky is blue, all is good, and then all of a sudden you have to come up with a 7 letter password for your new account. Oh, and include some numbers too, just to be on the safe side. And then my mind goes blank. Pick anything. Make up a word. Or use one you know. Think of something clever, and hopefully one you won't forget. But be quick, before the screen times ou… ahh, have to start again.
At least here on CT there were few if any parameters. But I still suffered from brain freeze. So I picked the first thing that popped into my empty head, the model name of my canoe.
My real last name. I figured this site would be one of the few places anyone would associate it with canoeing.
I was hoping the Mr would help distinguish it from a simple declaration of my occasional use of poles. Especially since them seem to be some real pole fanatics out there
When I was young I was hard on clothes, especially pants. My Mom came up with the nickname Rippy. Years ago when I started to register on sites I was paranoid to use my real name on this interweb thingy. When I needed a user name I decided to use my old nick name as very few would recognize it.
After trying numerous times unsuccessfully to register, DougD, administrator at the time took pity on me and coached me through the process. I copied him.