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Energy Drinks Don't Work

Mar 17, 2016
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Hoosier State
We went to the lake for a quick paddle this morning. Fellow outdoor enthusiasts were taking advantage of the Hoosier state's free fishing weekend at the boat ramp chugging Monster energy drinks. Since they made no attempt to make room, I had to do my best not to knock off their heads off with the canoe. When we came back, the hoodlums were gone, but not their cans. Apparently, it didn't give them enough energy to pick them up and throw them into the trash - or, god forbid, recycle them.
I was at the grocers asking a vendor why he needed half of one side of one aisle. He said he had energy drinks and they were selling briskly. He said he had one a day but had to give up coffee. Ruefully, he said he was now addicted to Monster and missed his coffee. As I left he said " coffee is better for you."
I don’t think it has anything to do with what someone was drinking, slobs are slobs, it could have been beer, soda, etc.
GeoBoy I am sure your correct. I will say for the State of Michigan we have a 10 cent deposit on all cans of soda and beer. Or as a Michigander I should say pop and beer. So if some chump leaves their beer or energy drink cans on the side of the river or road etc someone usually picks them up. It was a helpful way to find a little extra cash as a kid and while going to college. They have tried to expand deposit to other bottles a few tmes but industry has fought it tooth and nail.
GeoBoy I am sure your correct. I will say for the State of Michigan we have a 10 cent deposit on all cans of soda and beer. Or as a Michigander I should say pop and beer. So if some chump leaves their beer or energy drink cans on the side of the river or road etc someone usually picks them up. It was a helpful way to find a little extra cash as a kid and while going to college. They have tried to expand deposit to other bottles a few tmes but industry has fought it tooth and nail.
I wish they’d spread the deposit concept. It would help with both litter and recycling our resources.
A lot of my old coworkers would throw their trash, like gas station paper trays, candy bar wrappers, and energy drink cans in the back of the work truck. Those work trucks get dumped daily either at the shop wood lot or at a customers house. Not only is it unprofessional or disrespectful, but it’s straight up an A$$hole thing to do. It takes less effort to put trash in a grocery bag in the cab than it does to lift their lazy arms above the lift gate.
GeoBoy I am sure your correct. I will say for the State of Michigan we have a 10 cent deposit on all cans of soda and beer. Or as a Michigander I should say pop and beer. So if some chump leaves their beer or energy drink cans on the side of the river or road etc someone usually picks them up. It was a helpful way to find a little extra cash as a kid and while going to college. They have tried to expand deposit to other bottles a few tmes but industry has fought it tooth and nail.
Foxy beat me to it. While you do see empty bottles and cans here in Michigan, it seems to be far less than in states without deposits.

It also appears the worst of the bunch seem to drink Bud Light with their McDonalds!! ;)
In addition to paddling and tripping, I’m also an avid cyclist.
The amount of trash I see along the roadsides is appalling. Why the litterers don’t just keep trash in the car til they reach a suitable place to toss is beyond me. Bottles, cans, wrappers, a bit of everything, deposit or not.
A cycling buddy of mine was actually struck in the back by someone tossing out an unfinished BigMac!!
Talk about the ultimate irony…
Hey Stripperguy.... we must be brothers separated at birth! In addition to your other pursuits- paddling, skiing, etc.- I'm also an avid road cyclist. Used to cycle a couple thousand miles a year, but that's slowing down. A couple of years ago I T-boned a whitetail deer which leapt off the bank as I was speeding downhill at what I call 'terminal velocity'; that speed where you can't keep up pedaling even in the highest gear! It's made me far more cautious about hazards and traffic.

Anyway, I too am disgusted by the trash I see roadside. Especially in Spring when snow melts and reveals a winter's worth of discards. My local paddle area also collects floating debris shoreside. Just last night I collected several fishing lures & bobbers with attached monofilament line wrapped around snags floating in the water. Just the sort of thing that fishing birds get caught up in. Most of the junk was within easy wading distance of shore. You'd think anglers would be more conscious of their debris.
Recently, I found this dump of paints and solvents, most of them 3/4 full, in a creekside strip of woods along the county road. The 5 gal bucket had an order # from Sherwin-Williams on it. The Conservation Officer is looking into it. Wouldn't it be nice if the perp was found and had to spend a Saturday in the 'chain gang' picking up roadside trash?

Never found out if the CO found the guy.
In 1986, I was in my 4th year of commuting to work.
On April 1st I was run over from behind by a dude in a pick up truck, speed limit there was 40 mph, rarely observed.
My lower left leg was snapped in half, with open fractures, right fibula broken, pelvis broken in three places, a few ribs broken and an extreme amount of tissue damage and blunt force trauma.

Multiple surgeries and 18 days later I came home from the hospital, couldn’t walk for three months. Lost 28 lbs, I was 165 lbs with 5% body fat, the height of my physical conditioning before, took me quite a while before my head was right to get back on the road bike(not the same bike)
I would never again be the man I was, but that was ok, I still had all my limbs and most of my capacities, could have easily been a para or quadrapalegic.
At the age of 30, I gained a genuine appreciation for life. I was kind of a jerk before…but that’s another story.
I’m just thankful for the gift of every day and the love of my family, especially MDB.
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