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Cast your vote for handle wood type in knife build / fund raiser thread.

Some guys just need a bigger shinier satiny knife. PC061664.jpg


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I showed my wife photos of the knife that'll be hanging from my belt next summer, and she said "Oooh, I like the satin. Shiny is too, too, too ostentatious." I had to look that up.

I thought mirror finish was my pick, but seeing the photos changed my mind. That mirror finish is far shinier than any of my knives and appears almost too preeningly gaudy. While I do at times like bright shiny things the mirror finish somehow diminishes the blade craftsmanship, like a cubic zirconium diamond.

Still, for my typical cheese slicing, pepperoni chunking use a mirror finish might be useful, if only to reflect a sun winked call for rescue when Canadian version of Spam runs low.


I’m more of a Vienna sausage guy myself. If I’m going disgusting I’m going all the way.

I was going to vote satin but then I got a very threatening private message from Memaquay, who had seen I hadn't cast a vote yet. So, under duress, I'll say glossy.

I suppose you could always do one side satin and one side mirrored and make everyone half happy!
If I’m going disgusting I’m going all the way.

You're a man after my own heart, what more can I say? Except.......slice up your cocktail weinies and Kilck with a beautiful shiny blade, fry up the delectably disgusting lips and pecker meat in a cold handled frying pan, then throw the parts into your freeze dried chilli and wait for the sun to go down. You Satin Dance Masters will rue the day you picked a blade finish that matched your paddle sock! You see, when one is squatting against a tree in the dark, as the meat by-products duke it out with the freeze dried chilli in your lower intestine, you can hold the mirror finish knife up to your eyes and it will reflect the bear starring at your arse three feet away, wondering whether to dig in or flee. Try that with your fancy smanshy Pansy Satin lumbersexual butter spreader!

(Robin, my apologies if I went to far)
Mike you sound on the fence with your "Still, for my typical cheese slicing, pepperoni chunking use a mirror finish might be useful, if only to reflect a sun winked call for rescue when Canadian version of Spam runs low." Are you decided on one or the other?
I'll help you out Rippy. In one of my former jobs, I was a statistician for the government, and I found out how important being truthful with numbers is.

Satin - 1 vote

Mirror - 209

Pretty Clear, if you ask me!:)
Mike you sound on the fence with your "Still, for my typical cheese slicing, pepperoni chunking use a mirror finish might be useful, if only to reflect a sun winked call for rescue when Canadian version of Spam runs low." Are you decided on one or the other?

Sex. It's all about sex. Let's not pretend we're talking about anything esoteric and philosophical.
​Satin or shiny?
Now, would you rather cuddle with your significant other wearing shiny cling filmy tin foil eye glare high glossy garish garb, or fuzzy flannel wooly warm satiny sexy hey baby let's bust the zippers on this sleeping bag rag tag you're it kit.
But, let's pretend for the sake of a certain northern gruff tough young hewer of wood and cutter of Klick, that it's all about the kitchen knife. Okay. What about a kitchen knife? When you're cowering behind a tree with your pansy posterior exposed to the boreal world, shivering out of your boots cause you can't stand the chilli heat in the kitchen, what you don't want is a shiny blade that'll reflect SOS signs to the whole darned bear population. What you do want is something lean mean satiny serious.
No oompoloosh ostentatious stuff happening here. Right? Right. Satin it is.
Just retired after 35 years of healthcare accounting doing a lot of auditing and fighting with Medicare. One thing I learned was to never trust the counting ability of a government statistician!!!! Besides, who can argue with the sex and satin post?
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Satin is one typo away from Satan. No matter how much you spell mirror wrong, the Devil will not be involved. In fact, I think good old Beelzebub purposely made satin close to his name to entice the feeble moral majority over to his cause. But that's OK, cause when he shows up on Summit Lake and yer arsehole starts sounding like Linda Blair with a 28 ounce can of pea soup, me and the Mighty Shiny Ripster will be there to strike terror into the wicked one's heart, calling down a lightening strike of righteousness and bouncing it off that Bright Blade of Glory right into Satin's great gob, plugging every evil orifice for miles. When the smoke clears, ye non-believers will find me gone, and the Ripster plunged immovably into a granite boulder, waiting patiently for another pure hearted canoeist to pull him out and once again do battle with the Unholy Stinker.
"Mirror mirror on the wall, who is fairest of them all?!"
"It ain't me babe. No no no it ain't me babe. It ain't me yer look'n for...babe."
You're a man after my own heart, what more can I say? Except.......slice up your cocktail weinies and Kilck with a beautiful shiny blade, fry up the delectably disgusting lips and pecker meat in a cold handled frying pan, then throw the parts into your freeze dried chilli and wait for the sun to go down. You Satin Dance Masters will rue the day you picked a blade finish that matched your paddle sock! You see, when one is squatting against a tree in the dark, as the meat by-products duke it out with the freeze dried chilli in your lower intestine, you can hold the mirror finish knife up to your eyes and it will reflect the bear starring at your arse three feet away, wondering whether to dig in or flee. Try that with your fancy smanshy Pansy Satin lumbersexual butter spreader!

(Robin, my apologies if I went to far)

Ok you guys are out of my league, I don't master the language of choice here to compete with that... So I'll just take the knife and send picture to every one of how shiny the blade is before and after I kill, skin, butcher that $10 tag moose we got up here!!
Satin is one typo away from Satan. No matter how much you spell mirror wrong, the Devil will not be involved. In fact, I think good old Beelzebub purposely made satin close to his name to entice the feeble moral majority over to his cause. But that's OK, cause when he shows up on Summit Lake and yer arsehole starts sounding like Linda Blair with a 28 ounce can of pea soup, me and the Mighty Shiny Ripster will be there to strike terror into the wicked one's heart, calling down a lightening strike of righteousness and bouncing it off that Bright Blade of Glory right into Satin's great gob, plugging every evil orifice for miles. When the smoke clears, ye non-believers will find me gone, and the Ripster plunged immovably into a granite boulder, waiting patiently for another pure hearted canoeist to pull him out and once again do battle with the Unholy Stinker.

Rippy, you should make two of them so Mem can get his, cause I wouldn't want hime to cry for to long after I put picture up here of that knife on my belt!!
I'll pretty much agree with anyone that thinks I'm nuts, but you guys are making me look good. Keep up the good work, I'm feeling better about myself all the time. Dave
I can only hope that this erudite discourse continues in a discussion of sheath choices.

If the finish is mirror I vote for Kydex festooned with glitter and rhinstones. And hope Mem wins the raffle.
You guys are too much. I love this thread. I'll vote for satin again just to be sure.... I don't think I was counted the last time.
"...a mirror finish in a Kydex sheath festooned with glitter and rhinestones..."

Yeah, I can see Memequay lookin all spangly and sharp, with his trusty Satan stabber jauntily dangling from his hip. I can even hear the music to that; goes something like this...

"Mem's a rhinestone cowboy
Riding out in a Chum with a star spangled rodeo
Like a rhinestone cowboy
Getting threats and letters from people he don't even know
And "offers" com'n over the phone