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Canoe Tripping Fundraiser & Raffle

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Mike, I don’t know if that blade shape has a particular name but the finished knife would be called a Puukko. They are just a general purpose knife. A google image search of ‘puukko knife’ will turn up some stunning examples. And yes a very slippery slope. So be forewarned, those that chose this item.
Here are two of the four or five I’ve done.
Jim....... Nice looking Scandinavian knifes, however they are not puukko's. The Finns have a saying that goes something like this, "All puukko's are knives, all knives are not puukko's". I have never seen a puukko with a ricaaso (the unsharpened section on the blade closest to the handle). Knives in Finland with a ricaaso have other names, but are not called puukkos. Most all Norwegian & Swedish knives that I have seen have the ricaaso, all are good to very excellent knives, some border on art. All three countries have smiths that produce some wonderful blades.
Finland and Sweden have some great areas for canoeing, Norway provably does too, but the parts I have been to are really vertical.
I have never uploaded a video to youtube.
My thoughts are that either: 1) Someone needs to tutor me in youtube (if I can use a simple digital camera to record it and don't need to buy equipment); or 2) I can do the raffle and post the results here. The former is way more fun. I sure enjoyed Doug's videos. The latter is time-efficient. Maybe you all can think of a good third alternative.

Dave, recording and uploading a video would be so far beyond my dinosaur skills that I’d have to enlist one of my sons or a techno-wizard friend to record me and post the results.


But the past video raffle draws have been very enjoyable, the one time a year we are all “together in the same room”, laughing and congratulating winning friends.

How about a canoetripping twitter feed?

How about adding a catchy dance tune and putting it on Tik-tok? Maybe Memaquay would do it and prance about on camera. Can’t wait to see what he’s wearing. Shake that money maker!

No, wait, we could all have a Zoom meeting, with facial filters! I call dibs on Old grey-bearded man with beer & bowl in hand.

Probably too late this year, but Glenn’s Raffle Draft idea makes a lot of sense.

Maybe we should have a different procedure for the raffle. This thought arises from the suspicion that many of us would want, or use, only some of the items.
The different procedure would work like a professional sports draft. The first name picked out of the hat gets first choice of any item in the raffle. The second person picked gets the next choice from the remainder (or passes, if nothing remaining is of interest), and so on, until all the items are gone.

Of course, this would take quite a bit of time with back-and-forth communications, but it might make for an interesting thread for a couple of weeks.

Maybe not this drawing to a close time, but that is definitely an idea to consider. While there is nothing this year I would reject, there are definitely some items I would treasure and use more often. Such a draft pick solution would assure that winners get something they want and will use, although “last chosen” might donatee sting. Or be booby-prize enjoyable.

There could still be a video, just a random draw selecting the order of winners, with some color commentary from the name drawer.

A draft could make for a long follow-up thread, waiting for winner #9, who checks the board every few weeks, to chime in, and might need a you-snooze-you-lose pick a prize within X-day’s time provision.

I know there are folks with demonstrated video/photography skills on Canoe Tripping.

Conk could carry the prizes between 15 backcountry ponds in the Adirondacks, and pick a new winner every time he found enough water to float a canoe. Maybe next year, when I contribute a paddler’s mini-anvil and compact blacksmith hammer.
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Doug has kindly agreed to assist me in the youtube. So, hopefully, I can get that together before the soft/reasonably cold water season arrives.

The draft idea is interesting but the time limits to respond might be out of control. Still, I might default to that if youtube is too challenging.

Mike's ideas are, as usual, shall we say, offbeat. How about a canoetripping tiktok channel?

I wish I could take a trip, and at every backcountry Adirondack pond encountered, pick a name by the campfire and broadcast the drawing with a short video sent out by satellite or somesuch. Maybe someday.
I would like to donate a $50 gift card to either LL Beans or Cabelas. Both are very close by so the card selection is simple for me to pick up. Beans or Cabelas? Let me know.
dcloots: Thank you. LL Bean still carries some Bending Branches canoe paddles, and has a history of selling true blue canoeing gear. So, I would say edge to Bean, nothing against Cabelas's. Either will work.

Two more donations by check, and a handful more by paypal, have come in. Thank you!

My goal is to record the raffle drawing next week. Stay tuned.
For a relative newbie, how does this work? Are names just selected from the full member list, or list of donors, or is there yet a sale of raffle tickets? Just don't know what to look forward to. :)
The last couple of times, people that donate get a chance to win. I can’t remember if there was a minimum, or multiple donations offered multiple chances. Names were picked from a bucket for each item offered. Then the winner and the one offering a gift PM each other and figure out how to deliver the item.
I would like to donate a $50 gift card to either LL Beans or Cabelas. Both are very close by so the card selection is simple for me to pick up. Beans or Cabelas? Let me know.

Perhaps it would be best to let the winner choose. A Cabela's card can be used at Bass Pro. I have shopped at Bass Pro but never at LL Bean.....

Best regards to all,

I guess I'm surprised its not an auction or chances are sold or something to raise money to for the site.
The last couple of times, people that donate get a chance to win. I can’t remember if there was a minimum, or multiple donations offered multiple chances. Names were picked from a bucket for each item offered. Then the winner and the one offering a gift PM each other and figure out how to deliver the item.

In the past there was no stated minimum donation, and no sale of individual raffle tickets, any donation got your name in the raffle ticket pot, although some folks who donated to the CT fund did not want to participate in the drawing for prizes.

I was joking about this
Please do not send Dave fifty contributions of $1 each, I call dibs on that plan

Past raffle drawings went like this



There are a lot of raffle items offered this year, and Dave may decide to conduct the drawing differently so it is not a full length movie.

I kinda like the concept of pulling a slip with a name from one pot and slip with a prize from another; that might add an element of suspense, “Oh boy, that’s my name, now let’s see what I won!” If the two slips were simply taped or stapled together that wouldn’t take any longer than stopping to write down each winner.

I think in the past, after the drawing, Doug posted a list of the prize, the donator name and the winner’s name for simplicity sake, and those two folks simply made contact.

We’ll finally get a first good look at DaveO.
I regret the unavoidable delay. Please bear with me. I will try to make the final product worth waiting for.
I was sloppy and incorrect in allowing this to be called a "raffle" and "fundraiser." This is not a "raffle," nor is it a "fundraiser."

This is merely an informal and unenforceable agreement among those of the site's users who have voluntarily agreed to pay funds this year to be used to keep canoetripping going. I will call these users the "sustaining users."

Certain of the sustaining users have voluntarily, and without any compensation or consideration whatsoever, indicated that they intend to give and ship a certain items (listed above in this thread) to another sustaining user. The sustaining user designated to receive any particular item will be chosen at random by me.

The purpose of this procedure is to build camaraderie and enthusiasm amongst the sustaining users, and thus encourage participation in the discussions on the site. Its purpose is not to solicit or obtain funds or funding. Officers and employees of Fork Branch LLC are not eligible to give or receive any items.

We can call this procedure the "Sustaining Users' Annual Gift Exchange." It is an honor system. A sustaining user has no recourse of remedy if it does not work out and they do not receive any item, for any reason.

If a sustaining member has any question, comment, or concern, about the foregoing, please contact me by e-mail or pm. If there arises any need for follow up on the foregoing, I will post it here.

With that out of the way, stay tuned for the fun to begin.
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Sustaining "User"? Sustaining Givers would sound so much better. Regardless, thanks for keeping the site up and running!! I have benefited enormously from the knowledge I have gained here!
I was sloppy and incorrect in allowing this to be called a "raffle" and "fundraiser."

The purpose of this procedure is to build camaraderie and enthusiasm amongst the sustaining users, and thus encourage participation in the discussions on the site.

I like that “camaraderie and enthusiasm” explanation. The trinkets and prizes are tripper peculiarities we share once a year. I do apologize for throwing you under the video presentation bus, which would be far beyond my dinosaur capabilities.

It is an honor system. A sustaining user has no recourse of remedy if it does not work out and they do not receive any item, for any reason.

I’m in like Flynn, including the Lawson Cordage, which they mailed directly to me. I just hope it’s not all Canadian shipping and customs forms this year. If postage costs allow I’ll throw in some extra shop stock goodies.
I considered posting some kind of April Fools gag here, but it is not funny that it has taken so long to launch this mutual gifting procedure. It won't be much longer. Thank you again for your patience. It should be a lot of fun.