My wife said she would make a set of removable dry bag tags with your name on one side and item inside on the other side.
Those are nice. I had not appreciated the name on one side and contents ID on the other. Added to the prize list.
Presumably available custom lettered? The imagination runs wild with descriptors and messages. So many possibilities; “Smelly clothes and old socks – Open at your own risk”, “Mike’s Booze and Smokables”, “DO NOT remove this tag under penalty of law”.
We are up to a dozen raffle prizes. I recall that a cap on the number of prizes was set one year, so that the video draw was not an hour long dammit-I-still-never-won event. And so Doug didn’t have to pronounce too many multi-syllabic words or names.
I’m not trying to dissuade anyone from contributing a raffle prize. This year’s books, DIY and custom crafted prizes may be the best yet.