• Happy Birthday, Michelangelo (1475-1564)! 🎨🖌️⛪👇

Cast your vote for handle wood type in knife build / fund raiser thread.

Satin or mirror?

I am not knife learned, and this might be an opportunity. Are there advantages/fdisadvantages to either finish, or preferences for different uses?
Satin or mirror?

I am not knife learned, and this might be an opportunity. Are there advantages/fdisadvantages to either finish, or preferences for different uses?

A mirror finish is a little more corrosion resistant as there is nothing sticking up for corrosion to attack. Sort of like trying to start a smooth log on fire with a match. Where as fuzzy shavings start rather easily.

The satin finish has the advantage of being able to touch it up by hand with a piece of fine (1000 grit or finer) emery paper if it gets looking shabby.

I buff a mirror finished blade to a final fine edge, while I strop the final edge on a satin finish, because the buffing wheel would start to polish the blade.

Corrosion is not a big issue with D2 tool steel because it typically has 12.5% chromium content. Stainless steel is 13% and above. If one were to simply wipe this knife off with a dry cloth and store it out side of the sheath in the off season the blade would need no additional care (no oiling needed ever).

After having said all the above, I would encourage folks to pick a finish based on what looks good to them, and don't worry about the rest. I have knives of both finish's and they all get used. What I selected depended on my mood when I made the knife.
A mirror finish is a little more corrosion resistant as there is nothing sticking up for corrosion to attack. Sort of like trying to start a smooth log on fire with a match. Where as fuzzy shavings start rather easily.

The satin finish has the advantage of being able to touch it up by hand with a piece of fine (1000 grit or finer) emery paper if it gets looking shabby.

After having said all the above, I would encourage folks to pick a finish based on what looks good to them, and don't worry about the rest. I have knives of both finish's and they all get used. What I selected depended on my mood when I made the knife.

Thanks, that all make sense.

I guess I’d choose a mirror finish, but that is based largely on my typical knife usage (cutting cheese and pepperoni) and typical cleaning practices (less often than I should).

It’s hard to get over the practicality hump and into aesthetics and appearance. Can you post some photos of the two blade finishes on similar size/shape/handled knives?
Don't really have pics of two identical knives with the two finish's.
Here is one with a satin finish. The blade is pretty much identical to the project knife blade.

Here is Stabby, last year's project. He has a mirror finish.


The satin finish has the advantage of being able to touch it up by hand with a piece of fine (1000 grit or finer) emery paper if it gets looking shabby.

Make it in satin so I and my heirs are sure not to have to tote around a shabby knife.
Yeah well I did say satin originally and now I stand by that. Although stabby is pretty hot....the nickel chrome? bolsters work well with the mirror finish and the brass would work better with the satin I think.
I am less into function than esthetics. Whether it be hand to paw combat with a bear or buttering my toast, satin works for me. Far be it from me to pass on any sort of mirror, but I think in this case it will be ok.

I think it was on the other thread that I said that while I usually prefer satin I couldn't disagree with the good points being made about the mirror finish. That being said after seeing these pictures I vote for satin.
Haven't you cut off that underwear yet? Just stay away from the freeze dried chilli (rippen good chilli too) and you won't need a mirrored finish!
I'll vote to then, I think I would go mirror finish. Just to do like Mem So he likes it when I post pictures of me using the knife, or the knife hanging from my belt!!
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Really either way would look great but I hate to see Mem standing all alone so I'll vote mirror. (Although I'm not in the contest I still have a opinion.)

Oops didn't see your post Canotrouge, I must type real slow.
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I'll vote to then, I think I would go mirror finish. Just to do like Mem So he likes it when I post pictures of me using the knife, or the knife hanging from my belt!!

That's mighty considerate of you. Maybe a picture of you skinning one of those moose with your ten dollar tag on it.
I suppose technically this is a knife fight. A long distance knife fight. I'm gonna pull up a chair and enjoy.
Ha ha, good chuckles this morning, especially like that dig about the ten dollar moose tag! In the other thread, Brad said something about the mirror finish being oompolooshish or something. Well, them words is too big for me, so I'll just say shiny is always prettier!