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Canoetripping.net is a special place!

Feb 1, 2013
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Geraldton, Ontario
I was thinking the other day about the potential for goodness that the Interwebs possess. Canoetripping.net has been a source of beautiful trip reports, tons of information, lively discussions that have had me snorting coffee out my nose at 6:00 AM, but mostly a place to meet new canoeing friends.

It’s also been a source of lots of goodies!!!!!!! You might wonder what I mean by that, so I will take you on the booty run that Canoetripping has been for me.

Those of you who have been around for a while will remember Oldie Moldie. He did an excellent tutorial on axe sheath making, and then sent the finished product to me.

I love that axe sheath, it is a thing of beauty. Shortly after that, he sent me a beautiful, sturdy reflector oven for my school club. We use it every year, it’s a great way to burn off a rest day.


Robin had a set of cedar strip plans for a chum that he didn’t think he would ever use, so he sent them to me. Here’s what they ended up looking like.


You’ll notice the paddle in my hand, that’s a Black Bart that Alan Gage sent me. I sent him a bunch of junk in exchange, including a crappy knife that Glenn convinced me to buy. Speaking of things that people convinced me to buy, here’s an axe that I parted a C note for after I got all excited about axes.


Then, of course, there was the whole “Ripster” contest. I ended up with so many things in the mail for me, I thought I had won the lottery. For new people, our very own Rippy did a tutorial on building a knife, and then it was auctioned off to support the site. Somehow, I won (it had nothing to do with the number of tickets I bought). Here’s the Ripster….

And me using it…

Several side prizes arrived from the contest as well. Somehow, Mike found “The Plaid Prancer” for me from my days as a male stripper on Gottigen Street in Halifax. He must have scoured every pawn shop in the greater Halifax region.


Then the Spam started rolling in! Such an epic thread, with an epic ending! Mihun, Iskweo and Rippy sent me the worlds most varied collection of Spam. This was in the box.


I received another package, I think this one was from Odyssey, maybe the others were involved too. It was an epic major award!



That whole thread made my winter very enjoyable, lots of laughs! A big thanks to everyone involved!

A couple of years back, Pbutkovich and his son came up to do the Marshall lake loop. They hit a moose outside of Longlac and their car was totalled. They still went ahead and did their trip, but left behind a folded canoe. After removing the gunwales and replacing all the trim, it turned into a very nice paddler. It’s the green one in the pic.

Not only has Alan Gage sent me a paddle, but he also designed a solo for me that I might build this year. He also pranked me pretty good by sending me a canoe sock, the kind people put over their very expensive paddles.

Then of course, there are the people I have actually met from Canoetripping.

This year, I was lucky enough to meet DanOver from this site while he was up doing some bird hunting and fishing. He gave me another knife, a very cool filleting knife that he had made.

We caught many splake, some of them actually bigger than bait fish, lol.

A couple of years ago, Robin, Odyssey and his wife, Iskweo and Mihun came up for a canoe trip


Mihun made us these very nice weather vanes.

While on that trip, I went for an unexpected swim and lost my favourite hat, one that had been signed by Fred Eaglesmith, one of my favourite musicians. Some time later, I got a package in the mail. Odyssey had been at a music festival in Kemptville, and had got a very similar hat and had it signed by Fred. That was a very nice and thoughtful gift!

I’m sure there have been other things too, and if I have missed some people, please accept my apologies and remind me as well.

So, early Merry Christmas Canoetripping! You are all a great bunch of people, and my life has been made better by meeting everyone!
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Do you recall the name/company that designed the canoe? I'm looking for a solo and that looks interesting!
Great post mem,

Someone on my FB page threw out a question to us a while back.

"If you could give everyone one thing, what would give and why?"

I didn't have to think more then a couple seconds.

"A canoe, because it will take you to places you can only dream of and you'll meet the nicest when you get there."

This is 'there'.
Wow Mem! You sure have a good amount of stuff there! This has to be said though... I have never met you in person but the amount of knowledge and advice you have given is greatly appreciated and respected. Thank you


And that goes for all here. Great 'place to spend a few hours a day reading
This is so true Mem, I was lucky too over the years, a guy I don't know that run canoe trip with his school kids send me an old wood canoe pack, since then I found a newer frost river pack that I bought and then I sent the wood pack to some one else to enjoy until that person can find what they dream for!!

I got a cold handle frying pan from an other tripper that I don't know. Got so much enjoyment form all the trip reports!! I would love to get on a trip with you guys/gals!! maybe one day!!
I'm done pushin' the "Like" button for a while. Thanx for starting this thread, Mem. This truly is a special place thanks to the members and especially to Robin for keepin' it goin' and keepin' us civil. I've only met 5 guys from this forum and great as they are here on line, they're even 'greaterer' in person. I am anxious to trip with them (and hopefully some of the rest of you) again. Even tho I've been camping and canoeing for 55+ years, I never cease to learn from the wealth of knowledge here.
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I have had a lot of fun here also...and some great paddling. Shining times all around.

ALSG... karin has one of those Jack's Specials too and I can confirm that they are very sweet little boats. You wont be disappointed with it.
When just a plain Thank You doesn't seem to be enough !
Great Karma for sure !

Congrats Mem !

When I was wondering about the Drowning River canoe route, guess who sent me a large manila envelope with everything I would need to know about tripping there? That's right it was Memaquay, a man I have never met, but want to, some day. He has not just been on the receiving end of gifts, he has giving us much more than words can tell. That also goes to a bunch of others on this site, my favorite spot to spend time with my morning mug of coffee.
Well Robin gets most of the blame for this Web sight being so good. But the cast of usual suspects share the blame. They have made it adictive.

The way I feel about this place is as if it is a meeting around a campfire after being in wilderness all day. With humor, information, and stories to hear. Mostly just sit and listen but some times I speak up and are listened to.
Great post Mem......this is my first stop in the morning with a cup of coffee. Leaves me in a much better mood than reading the news! I'm still going through the older threads, so there's a lot of fresh stuff to read. Thanks to all for the posts and pictures.
Agreed, this is a special place...
I've certainly enjoyed the company here, especially the running gags about Spam, the Rippy knife thread, and of course the trip reports (with photos!!).
And I almost made it to the meet up this year, maybe next time. I'd really enjoy putting faces to the names.
Too bad for us that Allen bought that house, lest we would have had a few more canoe building threads.

And yes, a stop by here with my morning coffee is a daily ritual...
I have gotten a lot out of this place. I doubt I would have been inspired to but a wood canvas canoe if I hadn't been re-exposed to them here. I may even have become a kayaker;)( just kidding). I now have three wc Old Townes and they have added greatly to my enjoyment of paddling and to my life in general, and I didn't even have to learn a secret handshake.

Thank you to everyone who contributes and makes this site great.
I get way more out of this campfire gathering than I can ever give back. And just when I think I've seen it all, someone posts a build, find or trip report, and then I'm starting another new chapter in canoe lore learning. This never gets old.