• Happy Ides of March! 🌕🇪 🇹 2️⃣🗡️

Canoetripping.net is a special place!

I also want to give a shout out to a few people out here who really don't know me but were so kind to send me some items from the goodness of their heart.
Sweeper sent me a cold handle frying pan and I used it in my mothers apartment in NYC a few weeks ago making breakfast for her, she was very pleased with the way the omelette turned out. I also want to thank Robin for his generous gift of another cool frying pan. Now I'm wondering what I have out there to "pay it forward?" Hmmm, bagels anyone?
Just finished a midnight and when I got home I poured a cup of coffee and read this.

I'd never met Memaquay before and he hauled out a 20 footer to take me splake fishing one afternoon. What a guy! Mem, you are part of what makes this place special!
Careful there Coldfeet. As you know, bagels aren't just any old lump of dough. The really good ones are special.
Years ago a friend took me to his neighbourhood bagel shop in Montreal, where we watched them being handmade. No automation there. The smell was incredible. On subsequent visits over the years I'd always try to make the time to drop into my now favourite bagel place. I'd usually try to beat the early morning rush; hopping off the bus at the corner by 7:30 am, and quietly waiting my turn up at the counter. There always seemed to be a couple of earlier risers than me. The last thing I'd do before crumpling up the bulging paper bags of bagels would be to take a deep breath. I wanted to carry that wood oven bready smell as far down the sidewalk as I could; slipping and skating out the door on a trail of sesame and poppy seeds underfoot. I miss that place, it's been a few years since I last got my bagel fix. I'm due for a trip. One year we'd flown there to Montreal, and the plane ride home was rough, smelling the bagels in our carry on luggage. Pretty painful smelling those above our heads while we stared at our airplane food that sat on our fold out trays staring back at us. Ack. We've always driven since. If I bought 3 dozen, nearly 2 dozen would survive the car ride. Not bad odds. I wonder what I could barter for some New York bagels? You already have 2 fry pans.