• Happy Birthday, Albert Einstein (1879-1955)! 🇪🟰Ⓜ️🇨2️⃣

Breakfast ideas

My big breakfast idea is the simple muffin. I get the giant blueberry muffins from costco, wrap them individually in celophane and freeze them beforehand. They have lasted almost 10 days for me (in cool weather) and were still great. They enable me to get something in my stomach while I have my coffee at 6 AM and get on the water fishing. When my wife rolls out of the tent about 9 AM I start thinking about a hot cooked breakfast.
I like the muffin idea, will definitely give that a try. For coffee I got a Stanley French press thermos, holds 20 oz and was only $20. My only complaint was that the lid was plastic, that was until I was winter camping in sub-zero F last Feb. and then I came to love the fact that the lid was plastic.
Gotta have my fresh coffee, never have found an instant that I came close to liking. I know some people say they pack their grounds out but do they really? And why would you, aren't they bio-degradable? I pretty much always burn mine up.
On Occasion, I poach eggs on top of my aluminum coffee pot. The pot has the right size hole in the top to accommodate a large Sierra cup.
​ While the water in the pot is starting to boil, I throw a couple of eggs in the Sierra cup, with a little water, place it in the opening of the pot. Then the coffee pot lid goes on top of the cup.
Once the eggs are poached to my liking, I have hot instant oatmeal, poached eggs, and Hot Tang if I can afford it ! Not a Coffee drinker.

​ I've even baked a chocolate muffin this way, in the Sierra cup.

Costco... out of reach.. Geeminy there are tons of them in New Brunswick and Quebec nearby but none in my state. Closest one is in Sherbrooke QC.(. Maybe on my next paddling trip up north when we go through)
And my food would be confiscated on return
Instant Coffee Taste Test, Round 1

We were out of coffee this morning, so I decided to perform the instant coffee taste test using the four varieties I had previously purchased. I never got around to finding the Trader Joe’s or Medaglia D'Oro Instant Espresso. I tried all varieties black, and then with creamer. I don’t use sugar in coffee.

From worst to best:

Taster’s Choice French Roast (packet)
Typical freeze dried crystals
Strong “chemical” odor
Lingering “chemical” after taste.
Adding creamer didn’t help much.
Poured out after a few sips black and a few sips creamered. Three hours and three other cups of instant coffee later and I can still Taste that Choice. (I did not try Connecticut Yankee’s trick of first dissolving the instant in a bit of cold water. I may get the remaining Taster’s Choice packs out of the trash can and try that tomorrow)

Ferrara Instant Espresso (2 oz jar)
Course powder (not crystals)
Little or no chemical odor (either in the jar or once dissolved)
Little or no chemical taste.
Little or no coffee taste. Tasted like black hot water. I added another rounded teaspoon of Ferrara Espresso. Still no coffee taste. I drank half a cup to be certain. Adding creamer just made it into hot brown water.
Sure as hell not “Espresso” flavored; maybe a good choice for folks who want caffeine but don’t like the taste of coffee.

Folgers Black Silk Roasted Concentrate (packet)
Fine powder.
Very slight instant coffee chemical odor
Little to no chemical taste or after taste.
Smooth black, smoother still with creamer.
Drank the whole cup, woulda gone back for seconds.

Starbucks Columbia Medium (packet)
Ultra-fine powder
No chemical odor or after taste
Smelled like coffee, tasted like good coffee
Smooth, didn’t need creamer
Added creamer anyway, smoother still
Would have had a second cup but I was pretty caffeine buzzed.

I think my cost effective big morning mug when tripping will be half Folger’s Black Silk and half Starbucks Via, no creamer.
Thanks for the test Mike. If I can find the Folgers and/or the Starbucks, I'll give them a taste test.

I think the Folger’s “Roast Concentrate” may be something new. I have used other Folger’s instant (crystals) to augment the morning Via pack in the past while tripping and it was as bad as the Taster’s Choice. It may also be that I simply like the taste of “Black Silk”; the big red tub of that ground version is my usual morning coffee at home.

The Starbucks Via instant is actually tastier than the ground Black Silk, but I drink 2+ cups of coffee each morning X 7 days a week, and that would cut into my beer money.

I think that tasteless Ferrara Instant Espresso was highly caffeinated; I’m still buzzed.
Spaghetti Tortilla. Mix beaten egg and cheese with leftover spaghetti and sauce and put into non-stick (or bacon greased) pan and cook on medium (don't burn it!). To turn it place a plate or another pan on top and flip it over, then slide spag pie back into hot pan to finish cooking. This can be done in an oven or on a fire.
Adding sausages and onions to the mixture makes it better, if they're not already in the spag sauce.
That sounds like something I would have come up with when I was young, single, tight of funds and partaking in "herbal remedies"
That was me once, except due to the herbal hunger cravings I didn't waste time fiddling with it.
No longer being young, single or apt to partake in herbal recreational remedies but still tight of funds, I always save leftovers for another meal. Reinventing them can be pretty easy if not always pretty. Yeah, some of the glop I come up with is pretty challenging to look at. Ha!

ps This recipe isn't mine; you can find it around the internet. So we weren't the only ones young, single and...you know.
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try this little trick, mix the freeze dried coffee in a spoonfull of cold water and let it desolve first before adding the hot water to your cup. Takes the bitterness out, it's still not real coffee but Much better. I read once of a chemical reason for this about the outside of the crystals getting a coating of some kind from the heated water , but when desolved in a little cool water the chemical reaction is different. All I know is that it does seem to make the end result taste better.

I tried the cold water trick this morning with a packet of the vile Tasters Choice. It actually works to some degree; the smell of the instant crystals once dissolved in hot water was not reminiscent of something from the janitorial closet and the taste, while still chemically, was only half as bad.

That’s a life hack trick I will remember.

Most of the life hack tricks I have read about and tried are utter nonsense. Two that actually work:

To chill a warm beer wrap it in a damp paper towel and put it in the freezer for a few minutes. Works like a charm. Probably works with other beverages too.

The most useful life hack has been the simple “How to peel a banana”. Instead of slicing (or gnawing) an opening on the stem end, simply pinch the bottom half inch of the banana between your thumb and forefinger. The result is a perfect peel every time, with no strings attached.

I feel like I peeled bananas the wrong way for 50 years.

BTW, those of you with young kids should try “pre-sliced” banana trick. Take a greenish banana, push a needle through the skin and carefully move it side-to-side inside the banana peel. Move the needle down and over an inch and repeat until the entire banana is “sliced” inside the peel. Allow to ripen; the pin holes will look just like other dark dots on the peel.

Present to kids as special pre-sliced bananas and allow them to peel/reveal the results.
I just checked the prices on Starbucks VIA, nearly a buck a cup. Sounds expensive, but I have little to no awareness of what some things cost nowadays, much less what they should cost. Call it my personal price index if you will. I rely on a slumbering Scottish streak in me to niggle and nag me with discomfort if I don't like the looks of a price, but often I have to ask my better half "Is this okay per pound for prime rib?" "What do we normally pay for coffee?" I'm always checking the unit price on grocery items ie price per 100 grams etc. But I know we all place a personal price on happiness too, such as how much a cup of coffee is worth to us. So this taste testing of instant coffee may be totally reliant on Mike's coffee preferences, it does give a reference point. Cheap isn't always value, expensive isn't always worth it. Thanks for the coffee taste testing Mike.
Funny thing is from experience I don't expect instant coffee to taste like real coffee, it's just an alternative hot beverage that reminds me of coffee. Incidentally the worst coffee in the entire world is coffee from a coffee truck. You know, those food trucks that do the rounds of construction sites and industrial yards. Maybe things have changed, it has been over 20 years since I was desperate enough to buy a styrofoam cup of brown tepid mud puddle water. My Italian boss would shake his head and say "That's no cafe! Baahh!" I wish I could say it was worth it to me to stand huddled on a construction site sipping that sludge, but it really wasn't.
On St Patrick's Day morning on my way to work I stopped off at a drive thru for a couple of coffees, one for me and another for my mechanic (going in for an oil change). I thought I'd pay something forward and spread a bit of Irish luck so I left a few dollars for the drive thru cashier to buy coffees for drivers behind me in line. A free coffee might be worth the wait.
Incidentally the worst coffee in the entire world is coffee from a coffee truck.
I beg to differ. Worst is office coffee that has been on the burner all day. My hubby solved this by taking his Mug Mate to the office .. ( we now have Mug Mates all over the place)

I saw VIA in EMS. It was priceless which scared the crap out of me. I do use it on solo trips which I suppose justifies the price. I can't use VIA for someone who likes six or seven coffees a day.

I will have to try CY's coffee hack..
On St Patrick's Day morning on my way to work I stopped off at a drive thru for a couple of coffees, one for me and another for my mechanic (going in for an oil change). I thought I'd pay something forward and spread a bit of Irish luck so I left a few dollars for the drive thru cashier to buy coffees for drivers behind me in line. A free coffee might be worth the wait.

Sure wish I had been in that line (I'm cheap). Luckiest I get is somebody giving me a cart in Aldi's parking lot and not wanting my quarter, in which case, I do the same for somebody else.
When the George Washington bridge toll was $2.50 I would sometimes pay the toll for the car behind me, but now with the toll at $13 or maybe $15 now (it's been a while) I don't do that anymore.
My wife usually "does the groceries", though I like to fill in the gaps from time to time. I have a weakness for savoury stuff so my cart never has cookies or candy. But it does fill up with adventurous cheeses, sausages and ethnic oddities. Oddly enough I often neglect to buy coffee or tea. Thankfully she fills in my gaps. Her recent coffee purchase was something on sale, with the usual creative sounding names. I'm drinking a Grand Bend Biker blend right now. Supposedly smoky, spicy and rich according to the label. Sounds more Columbian cartel than beach resort biker. The other fire roasted beans she bought are Monsooned Malabar (cashew, chocolate and creamy) and Cafe Justicia Guatamala (velvety, cacao and molasses). You almost have to be a sommelier to understand this stuff. (I just stocked up on 60+ bottles of wine-kit Chardonnay and Malbec. When I sip it I taste...white or red plonk good enough to drink that didn't cost me a fortune.) I need to either educate my palate or my vocabulary. Both wouldn't hurt.
Her recent coffee purchase was something on sale, with the usual creative sounding names. I'm drinking a Grand Bend Biker blend right now. Supposedly smoky, spicy and rich according to the label. Sounds more Columbian cartel than beach resort biker. The other fire roasted beans she bought are Monsooned Malabar (cashew, chocolate and creamy) and Cafe Justicia Guatamala (velvety, cacao and molasses). You almost have to be a sommelier to understand this stuff. (I just stocked up on 60+ bottles of wine-kit Chardonnay and Malbec. When I sip it I taste...white or red plonk good enough to drink that didn't cost me a fortune.) I need to either educate my palate or my vocabulary. Both wouldn't hurt.

Thanks for that!!! I just about lost half my cup of coffee out my nose laughing so hard...

Not sure about this.. Instant oatmeal

New Flavor
Apple, Cheddar and Rosemary instant oatmeal from Quaker.

I had a coupon.. Now the big jump to eat it.