• Grandad Dan McGrady loses Scottish Flyweight Boxing Title Match to Tancy Lee (1914) 🥊

Breakfast ideas

I'm not big on breakfasts, so there might be something in that article. Or maybe it's just me. A late breakfast, or brunch as some know it, I find more agreeable. This is the case when canoe tripping as well. Something small and quick at first light, like porridge and coffee, and then onwards to midmorning when the real morning meal happens.
Speaking of bacon, I finally tried double smoked bacon for the first time last weekend. It was actually crumbled into a "frisee" salad, and yes, it was for brunch in a French restaurant. Mind blowing salty cured pork extravaganza!! (but the green frisee stuff got in the way.) Now I know why a certain northern dude makes it an important part of his daily tripping break fast. That would certainly get my mornings off to a snack crackle and pop.
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Are some Tim Horton's better than others? I've never understood why everyone makes such a big deal about them. The one I was in (Red Lake) appeared to be all precooked food plus bagels and muffins. I guess I was expecting the place to have an actual kitchen and that I'd be able to get French Toast.


The main appeal of Tim Horton's is the coffee and donuts (though I never thought their coffee was very good).
Instant Coffee Taste Test, Round 1

Starbucks Columbia Medium (packet)
Ultra-fine powder
No chemical odor or after taste
Smelled like coffee, tasted like good coffee
Smooth, didn’t need creamer
Added creamer anyway, smoother still
Would have had a second cup but I was pretty caffeine buzzed.

I think my cost effective big morning mug when tripping will be half Folger’s Black Silk and half Starbucks Via, no creamer.

Costco had boxes of the Starbucks VIA Columbia on sale this week for $10 or $11 something for 26 packets. My better half picked up two boxes for us last night. They're almost $1 per packet at the grocery store.

PS ... I also had a chance to field test another coffee option on my trip last weekend, the Trader Joe's Pour Over Coffee Bag


I do not recommend these at all. Too much bulk/packaging ... too much fuss to use ... too expensive ... and I ended up with only about 10-12 oz. of weak, lukewarm coffee by the time it was done "brewing" in the bag.
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Are some Tim Horton's better than others? I've never understood why everyone makes such a big deal about them. The one I was in (Red Lake) appeared to be all precooked food plus bagels and muffins. I guess I was expecting the place to have an actual kitchen and that I'd be able to get French Toast.

Are some Tim Horton's better than others? Not that I've noticed. Pre-cooked food is an indicator of a fast food place IMO, not a restaurant, certainly not a mom & pop type establishment. Donuts are shipped in from elsewhere; baked in a central facility (there's one just down the highway from me; if I drive by with the windows down I swear I put on 5 pounds). You should see the line-ups for TH drive-thru's here. I have a weakness for their "bagel belt"; scrambled egg and bacon on a toasted bagel, something I'd like to replicate on a canoe trip. The coffee? Meh. Other fast food places have met and surpassed Timmies coffee quality long ago. I'll go through the drive-thru if someone is wanting a coffee, but it's usually not me. I'm far happier with one brewed from home. Here's my favourite:
Good call! Love Kicking Horse coffee but didn't realize you could get it in Ontario, too.
Kick arse and Half- arse (at work) are how i get get through each morning.
And the beans are also available as ground coffee for canoe trips. We use individual French Press mugs...

I'll third the greatness of Kicking Horse coffee. It's the only coffee I buy. I usually make my mine with the espresso beans.
Coffee Wars! Bring it! We get Kicking Horse in Maine. It's a very good coffee but no where as good as Swift River Roasters ( our local coffee roasters). Maybe transportation makes the beans unhappy.
My other favourite coffee is from a farmer who married a Guatemalan girl. They do community work down there, and he brings in fair trade/shade coffee beans to roast at home. Really good stuff. Comes in dark or medium roast in plain paper bags. No fancy names or taste experience descriptions. Sometimes words cannot express.
Just when you thought Spam couldn't get any better

I actually have a can of that bacon and egg spam, got it in the big care package that the canoetripping bunch sent to me after the Ripster contest. I'm saving it for my first trip this year. The jalapeno spam that came in the same box was not what it was made out to be by the label. It was pink mushy meat product with green things in it. Hope the bacon and egg stuff lives up to its promise!
The jalapeno spam that came in the same box was not what it was made out to be by the label. It was pink mushy meat product with green things in it. Hope the bacon and egg stuff lives up to its promise!

You Canadians are so quaint.

I'm wondering just what promises Spam makes on it's tins of mystery meat? Too harsh Brad, it's not a mystery what's in those tins. Pork, ham, sugar, potato starch, sodium nitrate, salt and water. Sounds kinda like a regular Sunday dinner in some households.
I'm also wondering if memequay picked out all those little green bits, probably the best ingredient?
I'm wondering too what took Hormel so long finally flavouring their pork product to taste like...pork bacon?
I really wish memequay had done a taste testing of all these varieties, and reported back to us.
Kinda like America's Test Kitchen only in Geraldton.
I really wish memequay had done a taste testing of all these varieties, and reported back to us.
Kinda like America's Test Kitchen only in Geraldton.

Ohhh, that has potential. This is Mem's chance to cash in on internet fame and fortune. His own cooking how-to series called Geraldton's Bush Kitchen. For any situation that could arise there will be Mem with The Ripster on his hip to show you how to cook it and look good doing so.

The best way to open a spam can. One thousand and two ways to cook bannock. Alternative protein sources (blackflies). The Best Bush Breakfast: Beer and Bacon.

Perhaps with his new found fame Lady Gaga won't be so ashamed of him anymore and they can reunite. Better make sure that show has a prime time spot.
