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Breakfast ideas

Leftover Klik or spam makes a good fire starter! on a snowshoe trip one year we had 3 days of freezing rain, everything had a rock hard coating of ice, nothing would burn! I took a can of spam, opened it, scraped some of the fat out of the lid onto some bark and lit the fat. then I took the can, inverted it on a stick, and as it heated, the fat dripped out of the meat and onto my kindling. soon I had a hot meal of spam and a roaring fire!

Okay, who among you wound up with burned lips?
I'm trying to figure out how to dehydrate Bologna.
Along with cheez whiz it's a Newfie staple for breakfast

Fried bologna. Yup, and yum. Slice a healthy slab and make a radii cut to prevent too much puckering.
Fry in dry pan over medium heat.
btw, I have no idea what an unhealthy slice might look like. It's mystery meat, so who needs to know the details?
Who would've thought of adding cheesewhiz!? Genius. Pure mystery food genius.
Baloney is great, but nobody under 40 wants to eat it. It's like the head cheese of the 70's.

A quick and easy meal that I find very satisfying for breakfast is a ramen soup with 2 eggs and a slice of american cheese in it.

Lately I started bringing large blueberry muffins that I wrap in saran wrap. They have stayed fresh for up to a week for me. There is no prep or clean up and they allow me to get fishing in the time it takes to have a coffee. This is important because I try to be back at the campsite before my wife wakes up. She doesn't like me leaving her alone in the tent while she is sleeping, we live in grizzly country. This sounds unreasonable to me, any opinions?
Sure are you slower than her?
I carry dehydrated blueberries just in case the real ones aren't around I have had no luck dehydrating them myself but I an buy lots of stuff from nuts.com. I don't know how they do it
Family favorite tripping breakfasts:

1. Oatmeal packets (plain) with dehydrated fruit and nuts - just add boiled water and wait 1 minute (my favorite)
2, Hungry Jack Cheesy Hashbrowns with Bacon Bits and Ketchup packets (dehyraded, comes in a little milk carton) (husband's favorite)
3. The pancake mix that just requires adding water with a side of precooked bacon (the precooked bacon doesn't make much grease and what grease it does make is used up cooking the pancakes. I let my daughter put a packet of grape jelly on her pancake and I put peanut butter on mine. I don't like to deal with syrup. Seems to make too many messes and attract wasps. (kid's favorite)

I too would love a recommendation on eggs - I love eggs for breakfast but haven't found anything I palatable for tripping.
Ova Easys are good for tripping and available in the US. ( canadians are wary of avian flu). My problem with them is that I tend to use way too much egg for volume in the breakfast.. I find I have eaten six eggs! I think mixed with dehydrated veggies the volume problem would be solved. I too like the instant hash browns in the little pint size carton..just add water soak and drain off excess water. My own dehydrated potatos might taste better but those are fine enough and I dont have to run up the electric bill
Eggs don't home dehydrate well by themselves. But mixing eggs with an absorbent food works really well. I like to first dehydrate pre-cooked frozen hash brown potatoes, then mix the dry crumbled potatoes with a reasonable number of eggs (1 egg per cup) to make kind of a paste, lightly bake just long enough to set the eggs, and dehydrate. Probably don't even have to pre-dry the potatoes, but for guiding I dehydrate large batches of them for those who don't want the egg combo. Works the same with pre-cooked couscous too. Can do the same with polenta or corn meal mush. Or even better, mix a couple of eggs with corned beef hash right out of the can (low fat version), lightly bake and then dehydrate. Just be sure to fully rehydrate in hot water until soft before consuming (takes about 20 minutes).
yellow; I wish our government was that smart!
They're not sold here because Ova easy wouldn't replace the French sticker with printing a whole new package that was bilingual of all things. In the last couple of years I've seen a lot of products disappear over it.
Still can't get eggs across the border into Canada. Tried a month ago. Almost tried to buy sealskin products. That wasn't going to get into the U.S. Plus it comes with a fine for trying.
Labeling is so odd why not bilingual for everyone. Oh I forgot. Home Depot already does en espagnol. And we have more French Canadians in Maine. Sigh
Check your Wal Mart.. Everyone is plagued by a Wal Mart. While hubby was having an MRI, I had 90 minutes to amble a big Walmart grocery and found ta da..single slice Spam!
Sorry Robin I have no access to the products you've posted but I do enjoy Idaho instant mashed potatoes with onion, parsley and fish.made into patties and fried. On trips like Marshall lake pickerel goes in perfectly and the Idaho instant potato flakes also make a great fish coating mix fried it gives a nice crunchy crust. My favorite breakfast has always been fried pickerel with real fried eggs sunny side up and potato. Smoked salmon carries well and makes the best patties. Fresh or dried onion and parsley are optional. and egg does help to bind the patties but is not required. Salt Pepper and what ever spice you like and I love my hot sauce. Hope this adds to the menu.
Last year I used over 2 pounds of Ova Easy eggs on my trip as well as lots of hash browns. Both were good. I'm spoiled by fresh chicken eggs every day so the dehydrated ones pale in comparison but I think they taste the same as plane-jane grocery store eggs.

This year I'm simplifying my breakfasts. I'm still taking eggs but not as many. I'm not taking hash browns but will be taking dehydrated mashed potatoes (less volume). But mostly I'll be taking instant oatmeal for breakfast with cinnamon, sugar, and raisins. I'll have some Nido along too that can get tossed in.

Granola for breakfast sounds good but it's a hard thing for me to stop eating so it's safer to bring foods that require a little preparation and cooking.

Nido and powdered eggs are nice things to have along. When I want to make pancakes I add some of each, along with oil, to my bannock mix with extra water to thin it down.

I've made your bannock recipe, and was wondering if you use the Aluminum Free baking powder ?

I've made your bannock recipe, and was wondering if you use the Aluminum Free baking powder ?



When I was mixing up a big batch for my trip this year I realized I may have made it to the wrong proportions last year. I think I had a closer ratio of white/wheat flour and also a higher percentage of powdered milk as opposed to the basic recipe I gave you. I think I liked that "mistake" recipe better so I added some extra powdered milk and took out a little of the wheat flour.

Bannock is nice because it's so flexible. Add some of this and take away some of that. Mix it wet or mix it dry. You still get something resembling food. Soon enough you find what you like best.

This year I'm simplifying my breakfasts. But mostly I'll be taking instant oatmeal for breakfast with cinnamon, sugar, and raisins. I'll have some Nido along too that can get tossed in.

That is my typical boiling water breakfast, usually with raisins or assorted dried fruit pieces added. Sometimes instant grits (the southern contingent just groaned) bulked up with dried fruit. And coffee; the one thing I will splurge on is packets of Starbucks Via, at least two Via packets per day, with a couple of spares packed in case I want a nighttime toddy of hot chocolate, Via and a shot of bourbon.

I had to Google Nido

That is my typical boiling water breakfast, usually with raisins or assorted dried fruit pieces added. Sometimes instant grits (the southern contingent just groaned) bulked up with dried fruit. And coffee; the one thing I will splurge on is packets of Starbucks Via, at least two Via packets per day, with a couple of spares packed in case I want a nighttime toddy of hot chocolate, Via and a shot of bourbon.

I had to Google Nido


I had to Google Starbucks Via


By all accounts it's the best powdered milk out there, not that I've done any scientific research on it. I never have actually used it as 'milk'. The only powdered milk I can get locally is fat free skim. I like the extra calories and taste of Nido. I usually order it through Amazon although once, when I needed some at the last minute, I slunk into the semi-local Wal-Mart and found it on the shelf.

I'm a hot chocolate fan as well and have a cup (or two) most evenings and some mornings. I make up my own mix and use Nido for that as well. I find it dissolves more readily than the other powdered milks I've tried. I run the DIY mix through a food processor before packaging to help distribute the ingredients evenly and to reduce everything to as fine of a powder as possible. Will probably take 5 pounds of it on my trip this year.


I am not a coffee snob. I have never been in a Starbucks and wouldn’t have a clue how or what to order. “Veni vidi vici, black, to go”. At home I drink plebian Folgers Black Silk, brewed strong.

I can’t stand the taste of freeze dry instant coffee and for years carried a French press and dealt with the press mess and grounds. But Via is delicious and my local grocery store carries it. Yeah, Via is a buck a packet, but nothing else in the instant coffee realm comes close.

It is worth it to me. If I want to linger over a second cup in the morning or mix an evening toddy it only takes a minute to make and I don’t have to deal with cleaning the grounds from a press.
I can’t stand the taste of freeze dry instant coffee and for years carried a French press and dealt with the press mess and grounds. But Via is delicious and my local grocery store carries it. Yeah, Via is a buck a packet, but nothing else in the instant coffee realm comes close.

Same here, but to reduce the cost I mix the Starbucks about 50/50 with a much cheaper instant coffee. Still tastes good, but reduces the cost per cup.
It's been a while since I last checked this thread so I may be repeating what has already been written when it comes to coffee.

I have had the Starbuck's Via but like Mike already said, it's a buck a pop. Somewhere along the line I read about instant coffee from Trader Joes so I decided to give it a try. While I was out backpacking instead of paddling (I'm not even Catholic but I've already done my penance for that discretion) I drank the instant each morning and truly enjoyed it. The friend I was with said he was missing his early morning joe when I offered him some of what I had with me. He pronounced himself a bit of a coffee snob but was desperate so he drank a cup. A rather large smile crossed his face at the first sip. His reaction was good enough for me to prove that it's more than suitable for long trips and easy to prepare; just boil water. In the end, you can adjust the strength of your morning fix by adding/subtracting how much you put in your mug. Just a suggestion for those looking for an easy alternative. As they say, YMMV.

That's all for now. Take care and until next time...be well.

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I am in preparation for a hunting trip in Idaho where I will be on a mountain for 55 days. No electricity, or refrigeration other than the mountain air at 8700 ft. elevation.

I am working on the food plan this week actually. I will be eating lots of oatmeal, precooked bacon, instant rice, mashed potatoes, dehydrated chicken etc. I percolate my coffee on a propane stove and try to make every meal simple and nutritious and light enough to keep it all 20 feet off the ground at night....