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Adirondack ice out Hot Tent Gathering

Sorry, that's smoke hole bushings. On several of my campouts when it got windy several stovepipes came apart-not nice at 3 am! if you attend a camp where wood is provided or sombodys firewood they brought, it will usually be at least 16+ in long. Some with small tents have l long thin stoves. The creosote issue depends on temp,stove draft, and wood seasoning level.
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Just wondering if there was any interest in a hot tent gathering before ice out up in the ADK's? I happen to be up there this past weekend with the AMC and would love to go back around Nov, 11 Veteran's weekend. Ideas?


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Hey that hot tent looks great, when was that picture taken? I'm not sure if I will be up for the Veterans Day, 11/11, I'll be into Lows next week for a week or so and might be all cool weather camped out.
Plus there's the home front thing..hah

But one never knows, what days, what place? Do you canoe in with that outfit or is it a car camping rig? Low's is a long ride for a LI guy if it's 3 days, Cedar River Flow is closer, but will be crawling with deer camps and not so quiet fellows from what I have heard.
Let us know where you are thinking about. Areas to accommodate more than 2-3 tents are fairly hard to come by. (any time, in fact) Too bad NYS Fish Creek campground is closing early this fall.

I just came back from a short week group outing* in the park, where I burned my first 4 fires and got the wall tent hot to the delight of a few newbie fall campers. We usually go up again between Nov 1 - Dec 5 for 2-3 nights of car camping at one of the primitive sites. At that time of year, our boats get left home and plenty of tent time w daylight savings kicking in.

*sites up at Horseshoe Lake; mostly full w long term trailer 'stowage' for hunting season I guess.
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Robin, I used it at Fish Creek this past weekend loading the car up, but I did take it in that Old Town I picked up from you on 8th lake in the Spring.
I'm not to sure about where we could hang out, I was actually hoping that someone around here had some suggestions. I guess after going out last weekend I'm aching to get back out. I will do some research this weekend.
Here is a pic from Sunday, tent still needs some touching ups with zipper fixing and a little sewing on the back flap. Used a kni-co small stove, burned well but there were to many cinders in side the box to fit some wood in at times. I'm guessing that I should use a small metal shovel and a cookie can to take out cinders to make some room. Does that happen to any one else? Thanks
PS, I had a few comments about my pants, but boy were they comfy! And Cheap, from thrift store!


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As per Robin's idea of Horseshoe Lake for the Spring gathering I googled it. I read in some old posts on other sites that it's possible that the hunters and others might be around there. Guess it's a difficult time of the year up there for what I would like to do, especially with a tent that is better suited for car camping.
Side note, I was thinking about paddling in areas of NJ and my Bronx River Zoo trip but water levels are really low. Areas of NJ might declare a water drought warning. Does change a few ideas. Thanks.
ooops, deleted my post. Googles Horseshoe lake like Robing mentioned for the Spring gathering, sounds like hunters and others will be occupying the area. Maybe I'm going to have to look elsewhere or not go so far up, suggestions?