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Winter paddle and poling through ice

I do feel like using both ends on a light aluminum pole improved my ability to climb drops, but I need to do more poling to form opinions on the shoes. I do have problems with the aluminum pole not grabbing at times. Who was it on this forum who posited that it seems like the rock slabs are often right at the drops, where you least want a pole skidding off during a plant? Certainly holds for my local creek.

Don't remember who said it, but I'll confirm it. Slick slabs are a problem with the grade 8 spikes on my aluminum poles. The bronze shoe isn't any better there. I have another aluminum blank out in the shed, and I think I'll use that to try another idea I've been contemplating. Instead of the bolt in the delrin plug, I'll press fit a short length of sacrificial aluminum tube over a more extended plug. Leaving the end of that proud and open. Should be pretty grabby, I think. It's worth a try.