I spoke with Will Benzel, a NYS Forest Ranger today. We went over a few locations and he suggested that the free camping areas around Horseshoe Lake (google Horseshoe Lake, NY) would probably be the best bet.
He explained that the type of winter/spring weather of 2016 in the Adirondacks really dictates what will be available come early April. It might be snow cover, mud, open water or ice. Very unpredictable.
Horseshoe Lake has a paved (plowed) road and a good cleared spot to park cars. It has a nice open area we could set up 7-10 tents with the option for more tents nearby. If there is a group of more than 9 folks he gave me a number that I could reach him for a free permit to cover the extra number on short notice.
Finally, there are a few more free sites on the road if folks who want to join in with regular camping gear should we have a warm spring or things just work out.
Again, the theme is hot tents, traditional winter campers, Teepes, tarps etc. It would be great to have a few set up a central camp and a bunch of Canoetripping.net folks show up to meet/greet/ share the central campfire and camped in the area.
I think it's a work in progress, lots of options and it could be a really nice time. If you have a winter camping outfit you should consider joining us.