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​3rd party hosting photo site suggestions?

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Same thing thing happened to me, twice. Dead links, lost photos...
Just reinforces the need to keep all originals backed up in a secure archive. No clouds for me, they disappear quicker than a passing storm!
I'm currently using Flickr, Google Photos and Imgur, so far it's working OK, but I have no illusions about longevity.

OK, I have been screwed twice (Community Webshots and now Photobucket). I am going to start packing the old 35mm for paddling trip photos, along with the digital. I miss having double prints developed.


But I have a shop project going on that I want to photo-document and share with photos directly in a post. I’m not shooting dozens of stupid shop process photos in 35mm, so I have been using the digital.

Picasa/Google photo place sounds potentially confusing for a dinosaur like me.

Given today's economy and technology, I would expect that these totally free photo hosting sites will go the way of the steam engine, travel agent and brick and mortar stores!!

Yeah, I accept that eventuality as well.

I don’t mind paying Flickr $25 a year for a “Pro-account”. Mostly I’d like to find a photo sharing site for posting 3[SUP]rd[/SUP] party shots that is:

1 Easy to use. That is seriously most important to me. I don’t need or even want a lot of photo editing froufrou, just a site on which to easily upload photos and click-click simple to post them.

2 Likely to be around for a while dammit. Although now, twice burned, I trust that not, and kind of expect that in 4-5 years it will all be gone again.

Starting a blog has little dinosaur appeal. So, Flickr? Imagur? What?
Photobucket got me too. Now I have to reload all the photo's on the other canoe site in the trip report. should keep me busy a little while.
If you are an Amazon prime member you get unlimited photo storage. I have no plans of not being a member, so it works for me when I need to upload photos somewhere.

Most all of us that post here regularly pay some voluntary membership fees, I upload photos I post straight to canoetripping. I wish more people would. I wanted to see the Rippy knife build thread recently. No photos anymore because of a third party site.

There's also just buying an external hard drive, memory is pretty cheap these days. Never worry about someone else hosting your pictures again. I'm kind of a paranoid libertarian anyways so I like keeping my photos where only I have access.
I use Flickr, Imgur and Google Photos...of the three, I use Google Photos the most.
Uploading is relatively simple, creating or editing albums is easy too. I don't edit the images themselves, so I can't speak to any photo editing superiority, or lack of it.
Linking photos is as simple as it gets, bring up the photo, right click on it, choose "copy image location", then paste that url into the box on the "image" icon tab, remember to choose "Retrieve remote file and reference locally" and like magic!! the images appear.
As of today, my Photobucket is still working. Maybe because I bought extra storage, a few years back.
Good to know what you guys are using, because I suspect, it's just a matter of time, before I'll have to switch.
Thanks !

Still working.

I use my Google drive, free, unlimited and must be simple cause I can make it work. Have my phone set to automatically upload plus my computer will upload my camera cards.
There's also just buying an external hard drive, memory is pretty cheap these days. Never worry about someone else hosting your pictures again. I'm kind of a paranoid libertarian anyways so I like keeping my photos where only I have access.

Yup, take control of your images and buy an external hard drive. Here is a 2 terabyte HD for about $70; get a 3T for a little over a hundred.

If you are paying $25/year for cloud storage you'll recover your investment in 3 years, plus you have control.
Aside from some small updates and upgrades Flickr has remained mostly unchanged for the decade or more that I've been using it. It's well thought out, easy to use, and perhaps most importantly, not full of ads! It's for people who simply want a place to store their photos but it's also heavily used by professional photographers as a way to share their work. While I don't doubt Flickr could someday implode the fact that they're a favorite of pros and don't seem to be reliant on ad revenue gives me faith they'll be around a while longer.

While I never used Community Webshots or Photobucket myself I hated both of them. Anytime I'd follow someone's link to view pictures I was bombarded with pop-ups and ads that drove me nuts. I always wondered what the appeal of using them was in the first place.

And like some others have said I see these as photo sharing sites, not storage sites. Every photo I have lives on my laptop and external hard drive for backup. The ones I want to share with others go on Flickr.

Yup, take control of your images and buy an external hard drive. Here is a 2 terabyte HD for about $70; get a 3T for a little over a hundred.

EHDs are a great to store pics, until you drop one:eek:!

They want $1200 to try to recover them.
When it's just a photo I want to share on a forum I put it in google photos. Works well enough, it's free and probably not going anywhere.
I have been using pbase.com for a number of years. My annual fee has been $23.00. Considering what has been going on with photobucket, either they have made a mistake or they are setting the new trend. In some ways, it's no surprise considering that Photoshop and Microsoft Office have gone to a subscription model.
I changed over to Flickr a few months ago when I could no longer access Picasa. I tried moving to the new Google system but it never worked properly for me. I even called in a personal friend who works in the college's tech department; where my main computer is located. Even he came up empty on making the switch from Picasa to the Google system. He was the one who suggested I go with Flickr so I tried it. So far, I've been pleased with the results. It's not overly difficult (which is good for a non-computer person like myself) and it gets the job done.

Best of luck in whatever it is you end up with. I hope it works for you the way you want it to.

That's all for now. Take care and until next time...be well.

Not sure why one would need a photo hosting site. I store all my photos on my hard drive and back it up regularly to an external HD. Since I only share photos on Facebook, I simply right click and copy and paste. I have been using my old Ricoh Singlex a lot lately for slides and I hear Kodak is bringing back Ektachrome!
Not sure why one would need a photo hosting site. I store all my photos on my hard drive and back it up regularly to an external HD. Since I only share photos on Facebook, I simply right click and copy and paste. I have been using my old Ricoh Singlex a lot lately for slides and I hear Kodak is bringing back Ektachrome!

Photo hosting... for photos shared on forums like this.
I use Flickr, Imgur and Google Photos...of the three, I use Google Photos the most.
Uploading is relatively simple, creating or editing albums is easy too. I don't edit the images themselves, so I can't speak to any photo editing superiority, or lack of it.

OK, I have been taking digital photos of a colorful shop project (Mark IV folding tabletops for blue barrels, with chessboard/gameboard painted tops). I’d like to post the photos with the build process.

Here is my dilemma in choosing (yet) another photo sharing site that allows 3[SUP]rd[/SUP] party hosting: I am an idiot.

I tried loading photos to Photobucket and even with a step by step Betty Crocker recipe to follow that was beyond me. I just hand the camera to one of my computer literate sons and say “Hey, load these for me”

Beyond that, and probably more important for a dinosaur like me, it needs to be one-click simple to embed a link to what I’m writing so that the photos appear in the post.

Linking photos is as simple as it gets, bring up the photo, right click on it, choose "copy image location", then paste that url into the box on the "image" icon tab, remember to choose "Retrieve remote file and reference locally" and like magic!! the images appear.

Four steps, I would screw that up. I don’t need photo editing capabilities, just something idiot-proof one click simple to add photos so they appear in a post.

Choices mentioned so far are Flickr, Imgur, Google Photos, Picasa, Amazon and pbase. I am leery of an external hard drive, mostly because I use an ancient, dust laden desktop in my shop office.

I’m leaning towards Flickr. As a Yahoo/Verizon service I kinda expect to get screwed again in a few years, but I’ve come to accept that.

Suggestions for a photo hosting and 3[SUP]rd[/SUP] party sharing site that don’t include evolving to computer literacy?
Mike, you are a gmail user, so you already have a Google account and password. This allows you to use Google Photos for free. And, as one of the biggest and richest companies in the world, Google's cloud storage isn't going to disappear in anyone's lifetime.

Where are your digital photos? On your computer? If so, this article tells you how to upload them to Google Photos:


I note that all photos I take with my Android phone automatically go up to the Google Photos cloud. I don't know how or why, but I don't first have to put them on my computer as I do with my Nikon digital camera.

Once your photos are in Google Photos, it's easy to paste them here -- even easier than Stripper's method. You just copy the photo with one click and then paste into the reply box here with Control-V (right click "paste" won't work) -- no need to use the image button or the remote retrieve checkbox.

You'll have to figure out how to sort and albumize things in Google Photos just as you would in any photo app.