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Photobucket is the Devil!

Feb 1, 2013
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Geraldton, Ontario
Any photo bucket users notice that all your pics that you posted for trip reports, etc, are now off-line? Looks like they want 400 bucks to reinstate 3rd party linking. dang, I have a lot of trip reports, maps, etc that have just beeb tanked!
Mem, That happened a few years ago with another online storage but I can't remember what the heck it was called. I had a lot of pictures/trip reports on it and it truly sucked. I now use my google account and still use picasa, even though that's not supported anymore, for storage. I think I pay 5$ per year for something like 20 gig of space and I've never come close to using that up

I've thought that for a long time. I won't follow links people post to their photobucket accounts just because of all the ads and pop-ups. Happy long time Flickr user here. As far as I know a basic membership is still free and $25/year for a pro account which gives you more uploads and organizational options; which is worth the money IMO.

Frustrating, isn't it?!
Same thing thing happened to me, twice. Dead links, lost photos...
Just reinforces the need to keep all originals backed up in a secure archive. No clouds for me, they disappear quicker than a passing storm!
I'm currently using Flickr, Google Photos and Imgur, so far it's working OK, but I have no illusions about longevity.
I got that email this morning, when I saw the price I thought I was being Spammed. There is no way I will pay them $400, let alone/year to post pictures.
I am on photobucket now.. No threat of $400 charge.. Someone has hacked in to your account. Thats why I always back up to an external hard drive in my house.
I have an account and receive e-mail regularly, but I haven't seen this one. I agree that maybe it's a 3rd party scam.
Haven't used photobucket in years though. Forgot my password, it was just as easy to store them in my Mac photo library. I did appreciate the easy re-sizing it provided. Every time I need to do that I need to (r)e-mail my kids. I really should sit down sometime and suffer through a tutorial from them.
Mem, are you sure that your account hasn't been hacked by ransomware? The death sentence to those Russian criminals, hanging would be too good for them. The ransomware attacks have been in the news recently, for about that amount of $$$, contact photobucket staff to find out whether the fee is legit. If PB were going to charge new fees, they should have sent you an email at least, in advance.
A couple weeks ago after the first cyberattack when I accessed PB I got a message to always back up my photo's to a hard drive. Took me 7 hours to transfer 37 albums from PB to my external drive but definitely worth the time.
Yes but its not the same as accessing your account..
Here are the PB terms of service
  • Visiting : There is no cost to visit the Site or to register as a Member.
  • Free account : Each individual Member gets one free account that provides 2 GB of free storage or space available for your original photo files, or videos under 10min. The free account does not allow any image linking or 3rd party image hosting. If a free account Member exceeds their Content Limit, their account will be immediately suspended and they will need to become a “Paying Member” (defined below) in order to continue accessing their account. You can upgrade to a Plus account at any time.
  • Ad-free Account : The Ad-free Account offers Members the ability to use the Site without seeing any third party banner advertisements when logged into your Ad-free Account (note, viewers of your images within Photobucket will see ads unless they, too, have Plus accounts and you will continue to see Photobucket offers and announcements). This account level is available for $2.49 / month, payable by the Member on a monthly recurring basis.
  • Plus Account : The Plus Account offers several paid options that may give the Paying Member more storage, bandwidth, 3rd party image hosting, image linking and/or other services as outlined below. Once and during such period of time in which you subscribe to and pay for a Plus Account, we will consider you a "Paying Member." Please note that all Plus Account subscriptions are billed annually at the commencement of the service. Photobucket may also offer a monthly billing option for its Plus Accounts (see terms and restrictions, below).
  • Available Plus Account Plans : Photobucket offers the following Plus Account Plans:
o Plus 50 Plan: 52 GB of Storage for $59.99 / Year. The Plus 50 Plan does not allow any image linking or 3rd party image hosting.
o Plus 100 Plan: 102 GB of Storage for $99.99 / Year. The Plus 100 Plan allows for unlimited image linking but does not allow 3rd party image hosting.
o Plus 500 Plan: 500 GB of Storage and unlimited bandwidth for $399.99 / Year. The Plus 500 Plan allows for unlimited image linking and unlimited 3rd party image hosting.

Read more: http://photobucket.com/terms#ixzz4lV32u4aM

Needless to say I can't share any images now so what to do now?

Mem, That happened a few years ago with another online storage but I can't remember what the heck it was called. I had a lot of pictures/trip reports on it and it truly sucked. I now use my google account and still use picasa, even though that's not supported anymore, for storage. I think I pay 5$ per year for something like 20 gig of space and I've never come close to using that up

That what the heck was Community Webshots. Substitute an “i” for the ‘o” and that’s what they did to their “community”.

Community Webshots was bought by Hallmark (the greeting card company). Hallmark couldn’t make financial sense of it via ads, couldn’t make a go of it via subscription fees for photo posting and pulled the plug on the whole shebang with little notice. (Note a pattern here).

If you moved fast enough the soon-to-be-defunct Webshots would send you a Zip-file of your photos. I had hundreds of individual trip report albums and captioned photos. The Zip-files I received (plural, two big ones) were a completely unorganized dump, no album segregation, no captions, no order. Near useless.

I was pissed, but other folks had dedicated thousands of hours to creating a library of step-by-step captioned & explained photo tutorials. There was some really well done canoe building & outfitting tutorials on Webshots. Bnystrom (IIRC), whose stuff was really well done, got crushed by that vanishing act.

Fool me once, I’ll start using Photobucket. Substitute an “f” for the ‘b” and that’s what they did.

Photobucket was started by two entrepreneurs, had a one-time partnership with Twitter and was sold a few times, once to Fox. Given that history I really should have known to beware.

I don’t know when this Wiki link was last updated, but note that Photobucket purportedly has 100 million registered users and 10 billion images. That’s a lot of pissed off people this morning.


I am oddly unfeeling about it; I am sure I could retrieve and re-store, re-organize, re-caption those last 5 years of Photobucket shots, but know in reality I won’t. Fool me twice, I’m just not feeling it; I’m blasé numb and don’t much care.

Even with 100 million users (or X? number still actively using the site) I can’t imagine many will cough up $400 a year. $400 a year sounds fishy. Artificially inflated. High enough that almost no one will accept the terms? What’s up with that?

I think I’ll be posting no photos for a while. Going forward the choices for me are:

1 Find a new photosharing service or method that seems unlikely to vanish, even if that means a reasonable ($30-ish? a year) subscription fee. Burned twice I am now leery of any such service; maybe something associated with Google would be the best bet at lasting more than a few years.

I really don’t want to think about recovering and re-storing the Photobucket stuff on another site. Much less Zip-file-diving and relocating the old Webshots photos.

2 Go back to old school and use the 35mm Nikon, at least for trip photos, have the film developed (double prints and a digital disk). The photo prints went in the yearly trip report & photo albums, with the duplicate print on a framed yearly photo collage. And I still have the disks, which sport thumbnails of each photo for easy reference.

We have an entire bookshelf of photo albums with printed trip reports, and the walls of the basement gear room are covered with 20+ large (2x3 foot) photo collage panels. Those framed collage panels are more way fun than the albums; they are nicely visible on the walls when packing or unpacking or doing laundry and tell the story of our family & group tripping from 1990 – 2012.

2012 was a fateful year. I abandoned the 35mm for a waterproof digital and sure took a lot more photographs, duplicates and triplicates of almost everthing, including unimportant drek.

I swore I would make prints of the best photos to continue the albums and collages. I never made a single one and have no photo albums or wall collages of those years too-quickly past last 5 years.

The old Nikon & lenses, which I thoroughly understood from 40 years of use and experience, comes out of the dry box today for inspection.

I believe there is some new age adage that “Anything you put on the web lives forever!”. horsepucky!

But photo prints and negatives last a long, long time.


I’m going back to horse and buggy days.
Now that Photofukit has done it to a few of us, what are the alternatives? I am glad we can direct attach to this site even if I don't successfully do it every time and I noted that Mc Crea and Mem have a lot of blanks now next to their wonderful ex photos.
Mike you can get prints from digital images.. I sometimes do photo books for Christmas or prints. At least early on you can sort out the duds instead of waiting for philm to be developed.
Ahhhh, Webshots, that's the one that first stranded me. Thanks for the reminder, Mike! They shut down without warning, just poof!
Next was Picasa, but at least they provided archival links.
Google Photos is OK, but I still am dismayed that there's no way to provide a link to ALL albums.

And let's not revert to film, too cumbersome, too limiting. I spent most of my adult life with a 35 mm Nikon (all manual, all mechanical) shooting only transparency film that I would develop myself. Bought Ektachrome in 100 ft bulk, rolled my own too! It was the cheapest way to get high quality images, but even so, I would limit myself to 3 rolls for a weekend trip. Now, I might pop off 100 exposures for a day trip! Biggest difference between shooting film and digital?? Instant verification of composure and exposure! How many times have you film guys and gals gotten home and reviewed your images only to find your highlights washed out? Or an out of focus subject?

Given today's economy and technology, I would expect that these totally free photo hosting sites will go the way of the steam engine, travel agent and brick and mortar stores!!
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Well, that stinks.

Google picassa gave me fright some time ago but I later discovered the albums on another google-related site. Dumb luck for me.

Also, I've routinely ordered 4" x 6" prints for computer-less, elderly members of the family, and distributed them in cheap albums, so there's my ultimate back up. Walgreens has continual discounts and the prints can be had for 10 cents/print. The Walgreens Photo site makes it super easy to upload, order, and pick up at my convenience. Has worked for me, anyway.

Mike, FWIW, your pictures on this site (not to mention write-ups) have proved invaluable to me. So, a pox and curses on photosuckit.
Aaahh, so the devil was in the fine print. That's a rough markup for additional space.
Thanks for the photo storage suggestions.
Excellent photo MH... a high contrast subject with the range of brightnesses being kept under control.

Myself, I was a yahoo in the late 90s and when Yahoo bought Flickr several years later, the same ID and password applied.

They offer a terabyte of free storage so that's over a thousand gigs. IIRC, the max photo file size is 200-300 MBs so you can get some large, detailed photos in there if you've been into large format. To view in the original large size, select the photo, hit download and then select original size to view.

Flickr will not store photos in RAW and compresses them down into jpg or maybe some other smaller file size IIRC. So storage at home or on some other place, maybe Dropbox (really dunno) will be necessary for that. But photo quality on screens might not have to match paper print quality, depending on your standards.
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My photo bucket is still working, and no notice about a $400 increase.
