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2023 Fund Drive Now On

Glenn- I sent a check several days ago. If you haven’t gotten it by now, I’d say something happened to it. I’ll give it another day or two and send another if need be.


Bob, I got it today and thank you.

For folks info who don't read this thread regularly, I list all the donor receipts each night, along with a summary of the fund drive status, in my daily summary at about 11:45 pm.
Day 13 Cumulative Donations: 58
Target number of donations: 66
Members: 2,274
Views of this thread: 4,000+

Nov. 13
Odyssey (US cash from Canada!)
Cheeseandbeans (chk)
Waterspyder (chk)
UCanoe_2 (chk)

Only 8 more donations needed. Let's finish! How about you many longtime members out there who surely remember the profound struggles of this site to stay alive.
Day 14 Cumulative Donations: 59
Target number of donations: 66
Members: 2,275
Views of this thread: 4,000++

Nov. 14
Jdeerfoot (chk)

Only 7 more donations needed. C'mon, let's finish!
Day 15 Cumulative Donations: 61
Target number of donations: 66
Members: 2,275
Views of this thread: 4,000+++

Nov. 15
Will Derness (chk)

Only 5 more donations needed. C'mon, folks, almost there!
Paypal sent. Not much but I hope it helps a little.
I am one of the many who do not post (35 posts in the last 10 years) and if I can do it, so can the rest of you who visit here.
Ya, I should have done it sooner.
Thanks Rob. I personally appreciate your donation, especially because you’re an infrequent poster. It shows that you value the site. I don’t know what you mean by “not much,” but just think if 500 infrequent (or even frequent) posters donated just $10.00. That would total $5,000, which would solidify the site for years to come. It would also demonstrate to Glenn that we appreciate and value all the work he does on our behalf.

Good on ya!
I am one of the many who do not post (35 posts in the last 10 years) and if I can do it, so can the rest of you who visit here.

Thanks for your donation and words, Rob.

I'd just like to point out what should be obvious: The site's fixed expenses—software licenses, webhosting fees, domain name fees, service fees—are the same whether or not anyone posts. To maintain a site just for readers costs the same as it does for readers/posters. In addition, most of the daily work I do is the same whether members or guests are posting or just reading.

Everyone can see how many members, guests and robots are on the site at any given time from the Members menu. The guests (readers only) usually outnumber the members (who may just be reading, too, although they also have the privilege to post) by four or five times.

As an old time analogy, magazines, newspapers, radio and TV shows all have fixed and variable production costs even though people only read or view them and don't post on them.

The bottom line is, if a site cannot financially survive, it will shut down for posters and readers alike. Both for current folks and future folks, all the archives, all our learning and lore, all our efforts . . . will be forever gone.

Working on a donation, it's taking forever to get US Dollars transferred to PayPal so that both you and me can avoid outrageous fx / cc fees.

I suspect that my donation will only reduce your "need 5 more" by 0.6 (something better than nothing!)
I suspect that my donation will only reduce your "need 5 more" by 0.6

Thanks, recped. You know what the voyageurs, Wayne Gretzky and the banks say: 6/10 of a Canadian is worth one American.

It might be simpler for Canadians to just send paper cash. Odyssey sent a U.S. bill, which I assume he got at a Canadian bank. You could also send me Canadian bills, which I assume I can deposit after a currency translation into the mighty ("too big to fail") Bank of America.
dang I should have thought of that, I have quite a bit of (near useless to me) US currency, could have boosted my donation by a bit as it would not take away from my fund for pot and donuts.
Day 16 Cumulative Donations: 62
Target number of donations: 66
Members: 2,275
Views of this thread: 4,000++++

Nov. 16
Rob H

Only 4 more donations needed!
Day 17 Cumulative Donations: 64
Target number of donations: 66
Members: 2,277
Views of this thread: 5,000+

Nov. 17
SouthernKevlar (chk)

Only 2 more donations needed! Easy-peasy.

Since its founding in 2011, this site has always been financially supported by member donations and has never had an ad.

This is the first fund drive in 26 months. Historically, they had been held annually. We were able to go this long because our September 2021 fund drive secured a generous average donation of $40 USD ($55 CAD). If we can match that level of contribution again, I’m confident the site can be run for three years.

So, please donate whatever you can, but keep in mind that you can make this the only fund drive between 2021 and 2026 if you are able to contribute the price of two large pizzas and two drinks.

I’ve worked on this site at least an hour every day for 822 consecutive days to revive and make it an interesting place for all of us, our written legacies, and future generations of canoeists. Please help to keep it not only afloat, but on a rising tide. The informal fund drive target is to secure 66 donations.


You can contribute two ways, PayPal being greatly preferred:

→ 1. Log in to your PayPal account and send your donation to this email address: ctrippingnet at gmail.com

On the screen where you enter the amount, please put your real name and your screen name in the PayPal "Add a Message" field, so I know who sent what.

On the next screen, choose to send the funds via the "For friends and family" option NOT the "For goods and services" option.

→ 2. Make checks payable to Glenn MacGrady and mail them to:

Glenn MacGrady
36 Old Park Lane Rd.
New Milford, CT 06776

If mailing a check, please include a note with your real name and your screen name.

Everyone who donates will get a “Site $upporter” title under their avatar.

Thanks so much for your needed support!