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2021 Post-Migration Fundraiser is On: Please Contribute!

Glenn MacGrady

Staff member
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
It's time to fill the depleted coffers so we can pay for our new home.

So far, I haven't been made aware of any technical problems on our new site attributable to Xenforo. I have worked every day for seven weeks on the pre-migration research, migration, and post-migration work, including manually sending out emails, one-by-one, to 350 members and other paddlers informing them of the new site.

The migration cost came in around the estimate, but I spent another $200 to fix problems in the vBulletin database and install some custom features. I'm personally in the red about $100. I expect to get the balance of DaveO's administrator funds at the end of this month, but I don't think that will be more than $500. So, our kitty will probably be at its lowest ebb in many years.

If we can raise $1,500-$2,000, well within prior fund raisers, we should have enough to fund the site for the next 18 months or so. Sorry, but I don't have the time to administer a raffle.

You can contribute two ways, PayPal being greatly preferred:

1. Log in to your PayPal account and send your donation to this email address: ctrippingnet at gmail.com

Switch to the "Friends and Family" payment option, rather than staying with the "Goods and Services" option that is set by default, to eliminate PayPal commercial transaction fees being charged to me.

Please include in the PayPal message field your real name and (if you are a member) your screen name, so I know who sent what.

2. Make checks payable to Glenn MacGrady and mail them to:

Glenn MacGrady
36 Old Park Lane Rd.
New Milford, CT 06776

If mailing a check, please include a note with your real name and (if you are a member) your screen name.

Thanks so much for your support!
Glenn just sent PayPal but I forgot to add my screen name. Will send you pm or what ever it’s called soon. Thanks.
As 1 of the lurkers who visits often and says nothing I just sent my little bit to help out.
Again, thank you Glenn of putting things back together.