• Happy U.S. Paper Money Day (1862)! 🟩🔙 💵

20 foot freighter canoe

Wowee, Brad, is that a wig? Lucky fella, you Fabio lookin b*st*rd! Rippy, I fully intend to reclaim my man card after the next piece of hardware is installed. Here is my retirement plan:

Once the ice finally leaves, in July, I'm planning on resuming my practice of paddling daily, probably in the morning, and then motoring around for the rest of the day, in pursuit of the delicious Sander vitreus (pickerel to me, wall-eye to you). In the evening, I'm going to resurrect The Plaid Prancer's outfit, and lead Zumba dancercise classes for all the local beauties. Perhaps I'll resume hitting The Blue Lagoon, the local ripper bar, and put on an extra show before midnight, so the frisky ladies of Geraldton can stuff loonies and toonies into the knife sheath dangling in front of my dangler. By golly, then I wouldn't even have to supply teach to make a go of retirement, the Plaid Prancer could take me to the stars!

Truly, modern medicine is witchcraft, it can transform a fat, balding geriatric into a tranny pole dancer raking in the dough!
Ok Alan, never having been in G Town, you get a pass for submitting that recipe..... The only ancient grains we have around here are found at the legion, under the carpet, in the form of 70 year old spilled beer.

It's just wheat. The whole thing. That's why I mentioned wheat berries (less hipsterish and less money). I thought Canada had plenty of wheat. Maybe Paddlin' Pitt could mail you some from SK. Or maybe you know someone with horses that could spare some?

plus I'm off the carbs

I thought the only way people were able to survive life without carbs was with lots of SPAM and bacon. You're screwed.

What's that farro stuff taste like anyway? Dirt?

Like most grains it doesn't taste like a whole lot by itself. I use it like rice but the grains are bigger and more substantial so it gives some texture and chewability where rice would just kind of blend in.

Doesn't do you much good since you're off the carbs but quinoa is good stuff too and very healthy. It doesn't retain much texture if cooked into other foods but tastes fine and is quite healthy. I eat it pretty much every day with beans and veggies on canoe trips. It cooks quick. I'm sure they don't have it in G-town but maybe you could pick some up next time you catch a flight to Thunder Bay.

Well, first night where the temps didn't go down below zero. I brought the beast home on Friday. Spent the entire day levelling it out, my garage makes a roller coaster look tame. Not much room to work, but at least i can start working. Tried a number 4 screw today, left a sizeable hole, might go with the narrow crown staples. Just got to find a compressor and a staple gun. Hard to show pics, because there is very little room to take one, lol. Hope to start stripping next week.



By the way, apparently getting stented is really good for you. Down 40 pounds, walking five miles a day, and packed it in at work. I am a man of leisure now, and truly enjoying it. Hope to start paddling again next week, the ice is out in the bay in front of our house, if I go round and round, I can make a workout.
"Hope to start stripping next week." + "...and packed it in at work." = Good news. Full Time prancing.
Unless I'm reading way too much between the lines, with no day job left to quit looks like Mem is going all in with the Northern exotic entertainment thing.

The real good news is hearing that you're getting back into the swing of things. Seriously.
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Set up looks Great !

Yes, getting around the ends looks challenging ! Another good reason to stray from a Spam diet !

Anxious, but patient for more !

Tried narrow crown staples today. Set at the lowest pressure, they went in very easy. However, getting them out was not fun, and difficult to do without scarring the wood. Going to stick with #4 screws, the hole size wasn't much different when I compared.
I used 1/4” crown staples when I built a sailboat
I added a spacer to the bottom of the air stapler
any staples in forms came out easily with a modified
offset screwdriver
staples that went through the strips into my mahogany center board were very difficult to get out
Tim the boat building guy you based these plans on used #4 screws with cup washers IIRC. You are planning to glass and paint this monster anyway, right?
A nice traditional green. Besides the fact you've gone full on vegan hipster on us, given up bologna cake and beer, ( and no, there are no "good recipes" for broccoli.) I'm hoping you're not entirely off the civilized map and planning to paint it pink paisley or something, eh?
I get that you don't want the keel, but are you also skipping the spray rails too? Just wondering. And I miss the round bow on this behemoth.
I've used that product and it is super easy to use, make sure you raise the grain first, re-sand and then apply the colour. it is water base, so it will penetrate the wood nicely. The only possible issue is glue lines and filled hole(screw hole) these might not get the colour... So might be a good idea to do a test first....
Just keep the holes in neat lines and it will look like an old timey wooden boat with nailed in ribs. Stain her up and it will be classic.
Glue and filler can be a *&^#@ to work with using any stain, but it can be done, just be fussy with the excess glue cleanup.
This boat will be a beaut whatever colour you choose. Red Cherry sounds sweet. I wonder how much stain the raw pine will absorb?
No need to get fancy. Rustoleum will cover all sins and be easy to touch up.
